
  • 网络because;Reason;Adverbial Clauses of Reason;Adverbial Clause of Cause
  1. 英汉原因状语从句对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Reason

  2. 本文共分成五个部分:第一部分是文献综述,概括介绍了国内外有关学者对原因状语从句的研究,并对其中的观点作简要评述,并在此基础上提出了本文的写作目的;

    This paper is divided into five parts : the first part offers a survey on the study of English and Chinese adverbial clauses of reason respectively , and makes some comments on the classifications , thus showing the purpose of this paper ;

  3. 原因状语从句是中国学习者在英语写作中常用到的结构。

    Causal adverbial clauses are often used by Chinese learners in their English writing .

  4. 既然我告诉你两次了,你必须记住。(原因状语从句)

    Now that ( Since ) I 've told you twice , you must know it .

  5. 并不是我不愿和你去,而是因为我现在很忙。(原因状语从句)

    It 's not that I 'm unwilling to go with you , but that I 'm busy now .

  6. 深的伤口是某些种类的细菌孽生的理想场所,因为那里的供血和供氧被切断。(译为原因状语从句)

    A deep wound , where the supply of blood and oxygen has been cut off , is the perfect place for certain kinds of bacteria to grow .

  7. 该研究分析了四种类型的复合句:含有时间状语从句的复合句,含有原因状语从句的复合句,含有条件状语从句的复合句和含有让步状语从句的复合句。

    In this study , the four types of complex sentences are analyzed : sentences with temporal adverbial clauses , sentences with reason adverbial clauses , sentences with conditional adverbial clauses and sentences with concessive adverbial clauses .

  8. 原因状语从句就是表达这种因果关系的基本手段之一。中国学生在英语学习的初始阶段就被要求必须掌握这一状语从句。

    ( Meier , 2002 ) Causal clause is one of the basic ways to express such relations and it is also one of the adverbial clauses that Chinese students have to possess at the beginning stage of their English learning .

  9. 英语的定语从句除具有修饰和限制功能以外,还具有类似结果、原因、条件等状语从句的功能,而汉语的定语从句则缺乏这种功能。

    Furthermore , beside English attributive clauses have the modified and restricted functions as the Chinese attributive clauses have , and it also has the result , the cause , the condition and other adverbial functions , while the Chinese attributive clause is lack of these functions .

  10. 入党以后,他决定献身于党的事业。表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。

    Accepted by the Party , he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party .

  11. 因此,对原因连词运用的研究将在一定程度上有助于评估学生对英语原因状语从句习得的水平。

    Therefore , to study the use of such conjunctions will help to evaluate the level of students ' acquisition of English causal clauses to a certain degree .