
xiàn dìnɡ dònɡ cí
  • finite verb
  1. 简单句是含有一个限定动词的句子。

    A Simple sentence is one that contains a finite verb .

  2. 形成句子语法成分但不含限定动词的表达式。

    An expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb .

  3. 英语限定动词的类型分析

    An Analysis of the Kinds of Finite Verbs in English

  4. 非限定动词用法要点与难点概述

    A Brief Account of the Essentials of Non-finite Verbs

  5. 从语言学角度分析英语非限定动词-ing形式

    Linguistic Analyses of English Non-finite - ing Verb Forms

  6. 非限定动词在语言中有着重要地位。

    Non-finite verbs play an important role in languages .

  7. 非限定动词在各构句成分功能系统内的分布特征研究

    A Study of Distribution Features of Non-Finite Verbs in the Function System of Sentence Components

  8. 片语是构成一个语法单位的一组词,它没有限定动词,也不存在主述结构。

    A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure .

  9. 英语非限定动词结构镜像似地反映着投射在其句法结构上的语义框架的语义关系演算。

    The non-finite verb structure iconically mirrors the semantic framework from which the semantic relationship is mapped .

  10. 这种对非限定动词的研究可以看作是一种整体性研究,这是本文的创新和意义所在。

    This thesis is a systematic study and it is also the creativity point and its significance .

  11. 英语英语非限定动词结构的根基是表述命题的述谓结构。

    The English non-finite verb structure is based on its relevant predication in the form of the proposition .

  12. 英语非限定动词结构中,语义框架关系决定句法呈现形式。

    The semantic relationship in the predication determines the relevant syntactic representation of the English non-finite verb structure .

  13. 通常一个句子至少包括主语和谓语,谓语包含限定动词或动词词组。

    Normally , a sentence consists of at least a subject and its predicate which contains a finite verb phrase .

  14. 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号、修饰性形容词及限定动词的羁绊。

    We must pour out a large stream of essential words , unhampered by stops , or qualifying adjectives , or finite verbs .

  15. 包含有一个主语和一个限定动词同时在结构上能够独立存在的字句叫做定式子句。

    A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence .

  16. 每个子句含有一个限定动词,所以如果我们知道限定动词的数目,我们就知道子句的数目。

    Each clause contain one finite verb , so if we know the number of finite verb we know the number of clause .

  17. 非限定动词是英语的重要疑难语法项目之一,也是4级考试的重要内容之一。

    Non finite verb is one of the essentials of English grammar as well as one of the most crucial items in English examinations .

  18. 本研究的目的是运用认知语言学的相关理论系统地探寻英语非限定动词结构呈现的语言规律。

    The aim of this study is to systematically delve into the linguistic regularities characteristic of the non-finite verb structure in English from the cognitive perspective .

  19. 高中英语非限定动词的认知及教学研究试比较which和what用作限定词和代词时,在疑问句中的用法。

    A Cognitive Study of the Non-Finites in English and Their Teaching in Senior Middle Schools Compare the use of which and what as determiners and pronouns in questions .

  20. 非限定动词历来是高中英语语法教学的重点和难点之一,其重要性是众所周知的。

    The non-finites in English have long been one of the most important and difficult grammar points in senior middle school English teaching . Therefore , their importance is clear to us all .

  21. 要明确非限定动词的特征可以找一个能与同一构句成分功能系统内其它语类形成互补分布的一种特征作为媒介来分析。

    To clarify the features of non-finite verbs , we can employ a sort of feature as media that shows distribution features with other categories in the same function system of sentence components .

  22. 通过对每个功能位各语类的语义特征的分析可以发现各语类所管辖的具体范围,从而明确非限定动词在各构句成分功能系统内的特征。

    After analyzing the semantic features of categories in each function system , we can discover the specific scope of various categories , and further clarify the features of non-finite verbs in sentence components .

  23. 上述两种情况可以从英语限定动词和形容词在句子中的语序特点进行解释,前者位置比较固定,前置时容易引起受试者的注意,但不会造成理解上的歧义。

    This could be accounted for in terms of the characteristics of English finite verbs and adjectives . The former is relatively fixed in unmarked position but the salience of preposing will not cause ambiguous interpretation .

  24. 但是相当一部分高中生尤其是男生在学习、理解及运用非限定动词时往往感到有较大困难;非限定动词作为高中英语语法教学的难点之一,也使广大英语教师普遍感到棘手。

    However , quite a few senior middle school students , especially boys , have much difficulty in understanding and learning them . As a difficult point , non-finites make a hot potato for senior middle school English teachers .

  25. 已有研究大都涉及非限定动词自身功能和非限定分句的生成,但都忽略了一个最基本的问题,那就是非限定动词并不单一存在于语言中。

    Previous studies are mainly concerned with the self-functions of non-finite verbs and also the generation of infinitive clauses , however , this kind of research has ignored one important aspect , that is , non-finite verbs do not exist separately in languages .

  26. 限定性动词与非限定性动词是一对最小对立体,二者只有共现于一个序列中,形成限定性+非限定性组合时才能体现出各自的价值。

    Finite verb and non-finite verb can be combined into a minimal pair . Only in the combination of " finite + non-finite " will they show their value .

  27. 从词法和语法的角度出发,分析和探讨了科技英语词汇、被动语态、名词化倾向、非限定性动词以及长句的应用等语言特点,总结出科技英语文体的一般特征。

    This paper deals with the linguistic features concerning the application of vocabulary , passive voice , nominalization , nonfinite verb and long sentence in scientific English and summarizes the general stylistical features of scientific English .