
xiàn dìnɡ cí
  • determiner;demonstrative;determiner, determinative, definitive
  1. 增加了新的事务限定词“Localapplication”。

    A new transaction qualifier " Local application " has been added .

  2. 限定词(ToBe)是不必要的,因为没有在存储库中添加LoanApplication(AsIs)过程。

    The ( To Be ) qualifier is unnecessary because you are not adding the Loan Application ( As Is ) process to the repository .

  3. 以前的IntegrationDeveloper版本可以在表格中显示组装图的所有限定词。

    Previous versions of Integration Developer introduced the concept of showing a table with all qualifiers for an assembly diagram .

  4. 这些限定词名称将在本文后面关于RUP元模型的讨论时变得更加明确。

    These qualifier names will become clearer later in the article when I discuss the RUP meta-model .

  5. 这些表单通过用户指定的限定词和参数按部就班地显示了JESTURI语法是如何形成的。

    These forms show how the JEST URI syntax is formed step-by-step by user-specified qualifiers and arguments .

  6. C99引入了一个限定词restrict,它可以向编译器给出关于指针的优化提示。

    C99 introduced a qualifier , restrict , which can give a compiler optimization hints about pointers .

  7. 英语限定词的归位与限定词词组的假设

    About the Classification of Determiners and the Assumption of Determinative Phrases

  8. 可以使用这个新限定词控制事务边界。

    You can use this new qualifier to control transaction boundaries .

  9. 英语中的限定词对关系分句的影响

    The Effect on the Subordinate Clause by the Determiners in English

  10. 试论中位限定词在英语名词词组中的不可失缺性

    The Absolute Necessity of the Central Determiner in English Noun Phrases

  11. 的作用相当于形容词&一种描述或限定词。

    Acts as an adjective & a description or qualifier .

  12. 使用两个连在一起的名词代替一个名词和一个限定词。

    Use of two conjoined nouns instead of a noun and modifier .

  13. 不能为名称指定一个查找限定词而不指定名称。

    Cannot specify a find qualifier for names without specifying a name .

  14. 浅谈文化限定词的翻译方法

    Studying the Method of the Translation of Cultural Teaching

  15. 加上“欧洲”这一限定词,只不过稍微减少了一些暗暗窃笑的声音。

    Adding the qualifier " in Europe " reduced the snickering only marginally .

  16. 限定词的句法作用

    The Function of Auxiliary Words in the Sentence

  17. 它超越了“通过”或“失败”限定词的范畴。

    It moves beyond the shallow " pass " or " fail " qualifiers .

  18. 这篇论文首先讨论了文化限定词特殊性以及它们在传播特定的文化方面所起的重要作用;

    This paper discusses about the role culture-bound words play in diffusing definite cultures ;

  19. 试比较which和what用作限定词和代词时,在疑问句中的用法。

    Compare the use of which and what as determiners and pronouns in questions .

  20. 其他条件相同是一个很重要的限定词,对吧?

    Now , all other things being equal is a big qualifier . Right ?

  21. 与限定词不同,这些参数是按顺序排列的,而且必须按顺序排列。

    Unlike qualifiers , the arguments are ordered , and most of them are mandatory .

  22. 这样的分析以不需要运行程序为特色,限定词静态由此而来。

    Such an analysis is typically performed without executing the program , hence the qualifier static .

  23. 海事条约英语中的中位限定词

    Central Determiners in Maritime Treaty English

  24. 然而,这些研究主要从功能方面和限定词方面来强调这一领域。

    However , previous researches have mainly emphasized the fields from the functional aspect and determiners .

  25. 当可数名词复数指特定的人物或事物时必须要用限定词。

    Plural count nouns do take a determiner when they referprecisely to particular things of people .

  26. 当所涉及之人物或事物确定,使用特定限定词。

    You use specific determiners when people know exactly which things or people you are talking about .

  27. 对于表现逻辑值的限定词,值部分可以忽略以节省字符。

    For a qualifier with a boolean value , the value part can be omitted for brevity .

  28. 最后,详细讨论了这些文化限定词的翻译方法。

    At last , a discussion concerning the treatment of these culture-bound words and phrases is presented .

  29. 可以在关键字:在此我们是否可以有一点隐私?中阅读有关这些限定词的内容。

    You can read about these qualifiers in Keywords : Can we have a little privacy in here ?

  30. 在命令行中,正则表达式的作用相当于形容词&一种描述或限定词。

    On the command line , the regular expression acts as an adjective & a description or qualifier .