- 名interrogative/question sentence;interrogative question

[interrogative sentence]表示询问或反诘的句子。如你去吗?(Are you going?)为什么你喜欢它?(Why do you like it?)
a question in reported speech , for example She asked where I was going .
It 's normally followed by verbING and often used in negatives and questions .
Yet is only used in negative statements and in questions
Already can be used in questions to express surprise
On Multiple Questions The weight of a edge is denoted by w ( e ) .
Question query focus based on SVM semantic role labeling
Some wh-questions show U-shape developmental pattern .
As is known , rhetorical question is often regarded as a question of minor importance and its functions is often ignored .
Central to discussion are three contextual correlates in concern of interpersonal relationships which influence the use of N-type questions , i.e. institutional roles , power distribution and politeness strategies .
C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .
On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .
In English , wh-questions , indirect questions and comparatives are generated by virtue of wh-movement .
Wilson , applied in interrogative sentences , pointing out that although relevance theory is incomplete , it is an effective theory for the study of speaker 's attitude .
Chinese EFL learners ' oral production of tag questions is characterized by the rare occurrence of TQs , which results in a low degree of interactivity and solidarity in their discourse .
Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .
In the description part , declarative and WH-interrogative clauses are mainly used by the examiner to offer the general information and ask for an answer .
Other common vocal irritants include ' uptalk ' -- pronouncing statements as if they were questions -- and ' vocal fry ' -- ending words in a raspy growl .
The writer chooses the students in Heshan District Experimantal Senior High School in Hebi City of Henan Province as the participants . Through a grammar test , this thesis investigates students ' acquisition of the English WH-subordinate interrogatives ( EWSI ) .
As one of the four basic sentence types defined by Quirk et al . ( 1985 ), questions occur very frequently in our verbal communication and the proper use and comprehension of questions play significant roles in achieving the purpose of verbal communication successfully .
In addition , this thesis aims at making a complement to the previous research , which has been done to apply OT into Chinese native speakers ' acquisition of English simple WH-questions . It applies OT into Chinese native speakers ' acquisition of English WH-subordinate interrogatives .
We use the falling tone when we read special questions .
A Pragmatic Study of the Functional Transmutation in English General Question
He isn 't going to the meeting , is he ?
Put the sentence into question one and give an answer .
You use some question tags to make imperatives more polite .
To help Ss master the basic structures of special questions .
Brief Analysis of Several Informative and Pragmatic Functions of Declarative Questions
The interrogative sentence is an indispensable expression in verbal communication .
The Other Pragmatic Effects & Semantic Implications of English Interrogative Sentence
The pragmatic analysis of the interrogative sentence with the communicative goal