
yí wèn jù
  • interrogative/question sentence;interrogative question
疑问句 [yí wèn jù]
  • [interrogative sentence]表示询问或反诘的句子。如你去吗?(Are you going?)为什么你喜欢它?(Why do you like it?)

  1. 间接疑问句

    a question in reported speech , for example She asked where I was going .

  2. “Mind”后通常接“动词–ing”,多用于否定句和疑问句中。

    It 's normally followed by verbING and often used in negatives and questions .

  3. yet只用于否定的陈述句及疑问句

    Yet is only used in negative statements and in questions

  4. already可用于疑问句,表示惊奇

    Already can be used in questions to express surprise

  5. 多重疑问句W(e)表示边e的权。

    On Multiple Questions The weight of a edge is denoted by w ( e ) .

  6. 基于SVM的疑问句问点语义角色标注

    Question query focus based on SVM semantic role labeling

  7. 另外,一些特殊疑问句曾倒U形发展。

    Some wh-questions show U-shape developmental pattern .

  8. 修辞疑问句(rhetoricalquestion)往往被认为是疑问句中的次要类型,其语用作用更是容易被忽视。

    As is known , rhetorical question is often regarded as a question of minor importance and its functions is often ignored .

  9. 本研究重点讨论与N类疑问句相互影响的三个与人际关系有关的语境因素,即习俗角色、权力分配和礼貌策略。

    Central to discussion are three contextual correlates in concern of interpersonal relationships which influence the use of N-type questions , i.e. institutional roles , power distribution and politeness strategies .

  10. 英语一般疑问句之所以会产生中心语移位,是因为现代英语中带有疑问语素的C为强语素,它只有加缀于助动词或情态动词这类结构位置高于动词的中心语才能核查自己的特征。

    C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .

  11. 一方面,need可用作实义动词,此时它的用法跟其他动词一样:第三人称单数作主语时加s,疑问句和否定句用do来构成。

    On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .

  12. 英语中的特殊疑问句、间接问句、比较句等句子都被认为是通过wh移位生成。

    In English , wh-questions , indirect questions and comparatives are generated by virtue of wh-movement .

  13. Wilson的关联理论,对疑问句中的说话人意义(意向)的尝试性确定和推断,指出:虽然关联理论还不完善,但它仍不失为确定语句中说话人意向的有效理论。

    Wilson , applied in interrogative sentences , pointing out that although relevance theory is incomplete , it is an effective theory for the study of speaker 's attitude .

  14. 中国EFL学习者附加疑问句口语产出具备如下特点:附加问句产出率低,未能起到有效促进会话的作用,降低了其中介语交流的交互性与包容性;

    Chinese EFL learners ' oral production of tag questions is characterized by the rare occurrence of TQs , which results in a low degree of interactivity and solidarity in their discourse .

  15. 其次,在定式句中他们能够正确地将题元动词置于否定词、动词短语副词以及被搁浅的量化词的右侧;在疑问句中也不将题元动词提升至C位置。

    Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .

  16. 在题干部分,出题者使用陈述句和WH疑问句来提供考生相关信息并提出问题。

    In the description part , declarative and WH-interrogative clauses are mainly used by the examiner to offer the general information and ask for an answer .

  17. 其他常见的、让人不爽的说话声音还包括“升调”(uptalk,像说疑问句一样说陈述句)和“煎噪子”(vocalfry,词尾带上刺耳的低吼声)。

    Other common vocal irritants include ' uptalk ' -- pronouncing statements as if they were questions -- and ' vocal fry ' -- ending words in a raspy growl .

  18. 通过选取母语为汉语的河南省鹤壁市鹤山区实验高中学生为被试,设计语法试卷,考察了学生英语WH从属疑问句的学习。

    The writer chooses the students in Heshan District Experimantal Senior High School in Hebi City of Henan Province as the participants . Through a grammar test , this thesis investigates students ' acquisition of the English WH-subordinate interrogatives ( EWSI ) .

  19. 作为Quirk(1985)等语言学家界定的四种基本句子类型之一,疑问句在人们的言语交际中十分常见,正确使用和理解疑问句对成功达到言语交际目的起着非常重要的作用。

    As one of the four basic sentence types defined by Quirk et al . ( 1985 ), questions occur very frequently in our verbal communication and the proper use and comprehension of questions play significant roles in achieving the purpose of verbal communication successfully .

  20. 另外,前人已经将优选论应用于汉语母语者英语简单WH疑问句的习得研究,本文将优选论应用于汉语母语者英语从属WH疑问句的习得研究,以期对前人的研究作出补充。

    In addition , this thesis aims at making a complement to the previous research , which has been done to apply OT into Chinese native speakers ' acquisition of English simple WH-questions . It applies OT into Chinese native speakers ' acquisition of English WH-subordinate interrogatives .

  21. 读特殊疑问句时用降调。

    We use the falling tone when we read special questions .

  22. 一般疑问句疑问功能的语用消解

    A Pragmatic Study of the Functional Transmutation in English General Question

  23. 他不去开会了,是吗?(反义疑问句)

    He isn 't going to the meeting , is he ?

  24. 把下列句子改写为一般疑问句并作出回答。

    Put the sentence into question one and give an answer .

  25. 反意疑问句也用以使祈使句更礼貌。

    You use some question tags to make imperatives more polite .

  26. 掌握特殊疑问句的基本结构。

    To help Ss master the basic structures of special questions .

  27. 浅析英语陈述疑问句的信息表达及基本语用功能

    Brief Analysis of Several Informative and Pragmatic Functions of Declarative Questions

  28. 疑问句是言语活动里不可缺少的表达方式。

    The interrogative sentence is an indispensable expression in verbal communication .

  29. 英语疑问句的其他语用功能及其语义信息

    The Other Pragmatic Effects & Semantic Implications of English Interrogative Sentence

  30. 《雷雨》中疑问句的语用目的分析

    The pragmatic analysis of the interrogative sentence with the communicative goal