
yí bìnɡ zhènɡ
  • hypochondriasis;nosomania
  1. 患有疑病症的人就称为疑病患者。

    An individual suffering from hypochondriasis is known as a hypochondriac .

  2. 疑病症指的是过度担忧个人健康问题,通常集中于某些特定的症状,比如心脏或者胃部不适。

    Hypochondria refers to an excessive preoccupation with one 's health , usually focusing on some particular symptom , as cardiac or gastric1 problems .

  3. 结果40例TMD患者主要的心理学病因有恐癌症、疑病症,工作紧张,生活事件,家庭矛盾。

    Results The main psychological factors in the 40 cases with TMD were cancer-fear , disease-suspicion , work-tension and family contradiction .

  4. 那些“疑病症”患者都把流感疫苗给用完了。

    The worried well are using up all the flu vaccines .

  5. 他有某种疑病症倾向,喜欢夸大自己的毛病。

    He has a certain hypochondriac ten-dency to exaggerate his illness .

  6. 她担心医生会说她是疑病症。

    She was worried that her doctor would accuse her of hypochondria .

  7. 短程精神动力心理治疗疑病症1例

    Short-range psychic therapy on 1 case of hypochondria

  8. 这对疑病症患者是尤其重要的。

    This is especially important for hypochondriacs .

  9. 一个疑病症患者的国度

    A Nation of Hypochondriacs

  10. 虽然我有疑病症,经常上网,对最近的身体疾患进行自我诊断。

    Hypochondriac that I am , I constantly log on to the Internet to self-diagnose my latest ailment .

  11. 对生活中风险的担忧与疑病症有相似之处:二者的恐惧或忧虑皆起因于信息不全面。

    Anxiety about the risks of life is a bit like hypochondria ; in both , the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information .

  12. 在某些情况中,疑病症可能是一种心理上的处理机制,病人藉以应付紧张的生活境遇。

    In some cases it may represent a psychological coping mechanism that the individual resorts to in order to deal with stressful life situations .

  13. (香港)中文大学的研究者们估计,(香港)有57万成年人,也就是11%的成年人正在受某种疑病症或慢性焦虑紊乱症的困扰。

    Researchers at the Chinese University estimated that 570000 , or 11 percent of all adults , suffer from some form of hypochondria or chronic abnormal anxiety .

  14. 星期一发布的一份调查显示,每十个香港成年人中,至少有一个认为他们得了疑病症,而且这些人强烈认为自己得了非常严重的疾病。

    More than one of every ten Hong Kong adults is a hypochondriac who wrongly believes he or she is suffering from a serious illness , a survey released Monday showed .

  15. 在说不定的某个时候,我们大家都曾充当过疑病症患者的角色,只凭一些轻微的症状便怀疑自己得了某种可怕的疾病。

    At some time or other , all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac , imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms .

  16. “疑病症”统指那些身体本身很健康,总担心得病,时常服用药物防病的人。

    The term " worried well " generally refers to people who are healthy , but fear becoming ill and take medication they don 't actually need to try to prevent it .

  17. 研究人员说,一些疑病症患者将自己想象出来的病症告诉很多个医生,想以此证明他们患有严重的疾病,如癌症。

    Some hypochondriacs take their imagined symptoms from one doctor to another to try to confirm their beliefs that they are suffering from serious illnesses , such as cancer , researchers said .

  18. 对照班课前、课后各因子比较,情绪稳定性中强迫症、疑病症因子比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05,P<0.01),其余各因子差异无显著性意义(均P>0.05)。

    Before and after class , there was significant difference in obsessive state in emotive stability and hypochondriacal factors in the control class ( P < 0.05 ,( P < ) 0.01 ) .

  19. 日本的高科技马桶设计一直位居世界领先水平。不久前,能为疑病症患者提供警告的马桶又创造了一项厕所奇迹&它兼具医学实验室的功能,能让你真正享受生活。

    In Japan , the global leader in high-tech toilet design , the latest restroom marvel should come with a health warning for hypochondriacs-it doubles as a medical lab that can really spoil your day .

  20. 结论提示癌症伴发精神障碍最常见的诊断类型是适应性障碍、疑病症、人格改变和谵妄状态,并影响其预后。

    Conclusion These finding indicate that adjustment disorder , hypochondria , personality , disorder and organic psychosis ( delirium ) were most common types of psychiatric disorder in cancer patients , and influenced the prognosis .

  21. 据国外《每日太阳报》网站9月13日报道,星期一发布的一份调查显示,每十个香港成年人中,至少有一个认为他们得了疑病症,而且这些人强烈认为自己得了非常严重的疾病。

    According to dailysun . com , on September 13 , more than one of every ten Hong Kong adults is a hypochondriac who wrongly believes he or she is suffering from a serious illness , a survey released Monday showed .

  22. 分析当代的抑郁症、焦虑症、恐怖症、强迫症、疑病症等心理疾病,就会发现它们不少都与城市建设的问题直接或间接有关。

    After the careful analysis of such psychological diseases as tristimania , dysphoria , phobic neurosis , obsession , and hypochondria , it is easily concluded that such diseases are either directly or indirectly related with the problems in the urban construction .