
  • 网络personality disorder;psychopathic personality;psychopathy
  1. 父母子女教育心理控制和教育方式与独生子女病态人格的关系(英文)

    Influence of psychological control and educational style of parents on the psychopathic personality of the only child ;

  2. 通过心理革命,实现心灵拯救,将扭曲的病态人格塑造成生产性的健全人格。

    Through the psychological revolution , to achieve spiritual salvation , the twisted psychopathic personality molded into productive healthy personality .

  3. 是由发明“病态人格检核表”的RobertHare授课的

    run by Robert Hare who invented the psychopath checklist . "

  4. 这种病态人格是由病态社会所造成的。

    This kind of sick personality is caused by the sick society .

  5. 多重病态人格是一个很棘手的问题。

    Multiple personality disorders are a real hard sell .

  6. 反社会病态人格理论浅析

    The Review of The Theory of Sociopathic Personality

  7. 自杀未遂者具有焦虑、疑心、抑郁、病态人格、脱离现实等性格缺陷。

    Attempted suicides had character disorder of anxiety , suspicion , depression , psychopathic and dereism .

  8. 旷世奇才的畸变心灵&徐渭的病态人格及其文学创作

    PECULIAR MIND OF AN UNRIVALLED TALENT & On Xu Wei 's Morbid Personality and his Literary Creation

  9. 病态人格的特征为长期存在的和世界相互作用的不适应,所以是众所周之的很难治疗。

    Personality disorders are characterized by long-standing maladaptive ways of interacting with the world , and they are notoriously difficult to treat .

  10. 人格障碍是指人格适应不良,又称“心理病态人格”。

    Personality barrier refers to the ill adaptation of personality , and it is also called " personality of morbid psychology " .

  11. 废名作品中所表现的这种人格操守,对于现代文化中,因人性中道德自律的缺失而形成的病态人格,是一种很好的参照。

    This kind of personality in Fei Ming 's novels is a contrast to the abnormal personality because of degenerating in modern culture .

  12. 结论(1)抑郁症患者更多地使用不成熟防御机制,存在病态人格,且二者之间存在明显相关性。

    Conclusion ( 1 ) The depression patients'defense mechanisms are significantly different from the normal control and they are related to their personality character .

  13. 这部小说最感人的一个特征是它生动描述了具有模糊多重身份的神秘主人公宠儿的病态人格。

    The most impressive feature of novel is that it vividly exhibits the neurotic personality of Beloved , the mysterious protagonist with ambiguous multiple identities .

  14. 属于或关于反对社会的病态人格。神经症人格与病态社会&《麦田里的守望者》主人翁心理分析

    Of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder . The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society & A Psychoanalytical Reading of The Catcher in the Rye

  15. 结果优秀医学科技工作者与对照组在病态人格、焦虑情绪、脱离现实方面存在问题的程度有明显的差异,优秀人才组明显低于对照组。

    Results There was significant differences between excellent workers and its controls in psychopathic deviate , anxiety , unrealistic , and excellent workers was lower than controls ;

  16. 在第二个层面,他们被要求针对问卷设计的具有马基雅维利主义、病态人格和自恋症特征的陈述,表明自己的认同程度。

    For the second , participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements designed to assess the personality traits of Machiavellianism , psychopathy and narcissism .

  17. 行为人都有病态人格倾向或者症状,他们享受杀人,对被害人的痛苦无动于衷,甚至从折磨被害人中获得快感。

    Crime has a psychopathic personality tendencies or psychiatric symptoms , they enjoy killing , indifferent to the suffering of the victims , and even from the torture of the victims .

  18. 病态人格是由于文化发展不和谐及其不良因素的影响及文化转型中个体适应不良所致。

    The abnormal personality has been caused by the unharmonious of culture development and its ill factors , and been caused by the ill accommodation of individual in the change of culture .

  19. 马克思揭示了病态人格在生理、心理、道德和审美方面的表现,指出健康人格是自由而全面发展的个人。

    Karl Marx had described what the behaviors and symptoms the people with abnormal personality had on physical 、 mental 、 moral and aesthetic , and further point out that the people with normal personality should be the individuals of free and full development .

  20. 二是行政官员在满足匮乏性需求后,未能提升需求层次,此乃非健康、病态的人格发展。

    Secondly , after satisfying their deficiency needs , the officials were still unable to promote their needs to a higher level in the hierarchy of needs ; this is not healthy personal development .

  21. 而在药物依赖形成的过程中,人格成长出现病态发展倾向,并在人格缺陷基础上进一步发展、强化为病态人格;

    In the course of drug dependence formation , personality growth appears to be the developmental tendency of abnormality and is reinforced into morbid personality on the basis of personality defects ;

  22. 其实验小说注重反映物化现实对人性的扭曲,展示香港社会里人的真实生存状态,特别是激烈的生存竞争、物欲横流的病态社会中香港人的生存焦虑以及病态人格。

    His experimental novels chiefly depict the distorted human nature caused by the materialized reality and the true state of survival in Hongkong society , especially the ( anxiety ) of survival and abnormal personality in a society filled with fierce competitions and material ( desires . )