
  • 网络the sick role;patient role;role of patient
  1. 病人角色与护理

    On the Role of the Translator Patients and nursing

  2. 病人角色与护理影响护生动手能力的原因分析及其对策

    Patients and nursing Analysis on the Causes Influencing the Manipulative Ability of Nursing Students and Countermeasures

  3. 中国文化与职能治疗最大的不同在于对病人角色的诠释。

    The major difference between Chinese culture and occupational therapy is the perception of the role of the sick person .

  4. 这种权力关系的不对等反映了医疗机构赋予医生与病人内在角色的不同。

    The imbalance of power relations between doctors and patients are found inherent in their institutional roles .

  5. 甚而,医疗化的事件侵入妇女的日常生活,将健康妇女变成病人的角色。

    Much worse ," medicalization " even invades into women'daily life , and makes all healthy women become patients .

  6. 目的探讨老年病人因角色改变住院治疗,加强心理护理工作的必要性和重要性。

    Objective Discussing old patients ' treatment in hospital because of the change of their roles , we strengthen the importance and necessity of psychological nursing .

  7. 在中国人的眼里病人的角色应该是倚赖的与被动的,而职能治疗却相信病人应该主动的参与治疗与计划并且应该是独立的。

    In the Chinese society , the role of the patient is dependent and passive , but occupational therapy believes that the patient should be independent and actively participate in the therapy .

  8. 作为一个为病人辩护人的角色——

    as a patient advocate --

  9. 在新闻报道领域,使用“艾滋病病人”仅限于得了艾滋病并在医疗场所求医的人,大多数情况下,艾滋病患者并没有充当病人的角色。

    In the field of news reporting , the use of " AIDS patients " had AIDS and was limited to places in the medical treatment of people , the majority of cases , AIDS patients who did not serve as a role .