
rén jì jiāo wǎnɡ
  • Interpersonal communication;human communication
  1. 大学生人际交往障碍的原因分析及对策

    Reason Analysis and Countermeasure of University Student 's Human Communication Obstacle

  2. 人际交往、社会冲突、理性与社会发展

    Human Communication , Social Conflict , Reason and Social Development

  3. 人际交往技巧的培训非常必要。

    Training in interpersonal skills is essential .

  4. 我们依旧需要人文关怀或是人际交往,尤其当人们抑郁的时候。

    " We do still need the human touch or the human interaction , particularly when people are depressed . "

  5. "讨人喜欢的人"能与他人友好相处,增进校园友谊,提高人际交往能力,这种品质在早期开发后可以在生活和工作中得到广泛应用。

    The likables ' plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships , jump-start interpersonal skills and , when tapped early , are employed ever after in life and work .

  6. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  7. 带领世界银行(worldbank)迈入本世纪的人际交往大师吉姆沃尔芬森(jimwolfensohn),在他办公室的窗台上摆满了用银质相框装饰的全球精英的照片。

    Jim Wolfensohn , the master networker who led the world bank into this century , lined the window of his office with silver-framed photographs of the global elite .

  8. 为了验证这个心理学法则,我们来看看哈佛大学的心理学教授艾伦·兰格(EllenLanger)的一项实验研究--“人们看似深思熟虑的行为中也包含盲目性:论带有催眠作用的语言信息在人际交往中的作用”。

    To illustrate this principle , we can turn to the study by Harvard University 's Ellen Langer titled , " The Mindlessness of Ostensibly Thoughtful Action : The Role of ' Placebic ' Information in Interpersonal Interaction . "

  9. 结果咨询后,2组学生SCL-90,IAS和SAD得分均明显下降,交往主动性增强,人际交往信心增加,社交技能有所提高,社交回避倾向下降,自我接纳程度增高。

    Results After treatment of group counseling , the scores of SCL-90 , IAS and SAD were all decreased . They had more initiatives and confidence in communication activities and their communication skills were improved . They had less social-avoidance behaviors and higher self-acceptance .

  10. BBS是大学生展开网际人际交往最为常见的形式,大学生从中探索自我认同,并在与网友的互动中寻求他人的认同,学校应以开放的态度帮助学生完成其社会化过程。

    BBS is the most popular way college students associate in the Internet , by which they realize self-identification , meanwhile , seek for others'identification during interacting . School should assist students to complete their socialization with an open mind .

  11. 第三部分:当代中学生健康人际交往的培养。

    The third part : the fostering of the healthy communications .

  12. 影响大学生人际交往的心理因素及对策探讨

    On the Psychological Elements Influencing the Interaction Between the University Students

  13. 人际交往水平影响着考生的心理状态和应考效率。

    Human communications affects examinees ' mood and efficiency in exam .

  14. 学会与他人互助、协作,具备一定的人际交往能力;

    Study to help each other and have ability of intercourse ;

  15. 学生生活方式的变化,要求教师引导学生积极参与人际交往;

    The students ' changing life style demands teachers ' assistance ;

  16. 贫困大学生人际交往的团体心理辅导效果

    Effects of group counseling on interpersonal relationship in poverty college students

  17. 网络时代对大学生人际交往的冲击和影响

    Internet Era 's Impact and Effect on the Undergraduate 's Intercourse

  18. 小组工作方法在大学生成长中的实践分析&以漳州师范学院人际交往训练小组为个案

    The Practical Analysis of Group-work Method in College Students ' Growth

  19. 儒家思想与当代大学生的人际交往

    The Confucian Thoughts and the Interpersonal Communication of Contemporary College Students

  20. 大学生人际交往效能感的理论构念与测量

    Theoretical Construction and Measurement of College Students ' Interpersonal Contact Efficacy

  21. 第四、社交礼仪要求在人际交往、社会交际。

    Fourth , the social etiquette require human interaction , social communication .

  22. 新教师人际交往心理障碍分析

    Analysis of the Mental Handicap of the Beginning Teachers in Interpersonal Interaction

  23. 人际交往失当,信任度较低;

    The human relations associate inappropriate , the trust degree is lower ;

  24. 心理理论是进行人际交往的认知基础。

    Theory of mind is the basis of human interaction .

  25. 但是,来自农村的大学生显得更敏感,表现出一定的人际交往的社会退缩倾向。

    Bur students from countryside tend to be more sensitive .

  26. 本研究把幼儿移情的影响因素分为两类,一是外在因素,包括情境、教育训练、人际交往和教养方式四个方面;

    In this study , factors are divided into two .

  27. 论体育活动与大学生人际交往能力的培养

    Development of Sports Activities and College Students ' Abilities of Human Relationship

  28. 论大学生人际交往能力及其培养

    On College Students ' Interpersonal Communication Ability and Its Cultivation

  29. 贫困大学生人际交往和人格指向

    Impoverished College Students ' Interpersonal Communication and the Personality Orientation

  30. 大学生人际交往探析

    An Explorative Analysis of the College Students ' Interpersonal Relationships