
  • 网络Interpersonal influence;personal influence
  1. 第三个阶段是哥伦比亚学派的学者们引入了人际关系和社会结构的因素,考察受众所受的人际影响和结构性制约如何与媒介效果发生互动;

    In the third stage , scholars from Columbia School introduce the variables of personal influence and social structure into media effects research and look for their interaction with media effects ;

  2. 人际影响与消费者需求对购买意愿有显著正向影响。

    Interpersonal influence and consumer demand have significantly positive effect on purchase intention .

  3. 人力资源管理中的人际影响因素分析

    The Factors of Interpersonal Influence in HR Management

  4. 创新特质、人际影响与品牌认知差异对消费者需求有显著正向影响。

    Innovativeness , interpersonal influence and brand awareness and purchase intention have significantly positive effect on consumer demand .

  5. 教师的作用不仅在使学生获得生存信息的人际影响活动的教育中得以体现,而且教师对学生的人格健康形成所产生的影响更是长期的、深远的、潜移默化的。

    Teachers not only give students knowledge but also exert a subtle and deep influence on students ' personality formation .

  6. 青少年社会网络结构及其对人际关系影响的初步研究

    Study on Social Networks during Adolescence : Structure and Impact on Interpersonal Relationship

  7. 生活事件对武汉市中学生心理行为和人际关系影响的研究

    The effects of stressful life events on psychological behavior and interpersonal relation among

  8. 集体运动项目对中学生同伴人际关系影响的研究

    The Research on the Influences of Group Sports to Peer Relationships of Middle School Students Project Database

  9. 人际传播影响我们的日常生活质量,影响人与人的关系。

    Interpersonal communication has impact on the quality of our daily life and the relationship between people .

  10. 并通过统计分析,分析了不同年级的医学生在人际关系影响因素中的差异。

    The differences of being influenced by the interpersonal relationship between the students of different grades are statistically analyzed .

  11. 人际间影响敏感对中国消费者独特性需求的作用机制研究

    The Research on The Mechanism on How Susceptivity to Interpersonal Influence Works on Chinese Consumers ' Need for Uniqueness

  12. 作为社会网络关系力量中的重要指标之一,社会网络亲密度对于青少年的人际关系影响较大。

    Furthermore as the important guideline of the relation strength , network intimacy greatly influenced the interpersonal relationship among adolescents .

  13. 大学生寝室文化心理是大学生以寝室为文化背景,在校园寝室生活、学习、娱乐过程中表现出来的思想观念、行为方式,并通过人际相互影响而形成的特定心理现象。

    University students ' mind of dormitory-room culture is a specific psychological phenomenon formed under the cultural background of life , study and recreation in each room of the university dormitory .

  14. 自我价值感在社会支持对民办高校生人际信任影响中起中介作用,社会支持既可以直接影响人际信任,又可以通过影响自我价值感间接地对人际信任产生影响。

    Self-worth has a medi-function between social support and interpersonal trust , social support had not only direct influence on interpersonal trust , but also impacted interpersonal trust by influencing self-worth .

  15. 研究发现,独特性需求、心理控制源、人际间影响敏感对中国消费者品牌决策过程中的面子意识具有显著的影响,消费者自信状况是这一影响关系的中介变量。

    The findings show that consumers ' need for uniqueness , desire for control and susceptibility to interpersonal influence have significant influence on face consciousness , in which consumer confidence is the intermediary variable .

  16. 与男大学生相比,女大学生因其生理和心理素质的特殊性,其生活、学习和成长受人际交往影响更大,更渴望与周围的人顺利进行社会交往。

    Compared with male students , female college students are bigger influenced by interpersonal communication because of the particularity of its physiological and psychological quality , and more eager to smoothly associate with the people around .

  17. 然后在此基础上对各影响因素进行理论上的分析和研究,探求了每一个人际关系影响因素在人际交往中的作用,以及不同年级大学生在人际关系影响因素中存在差异的原因。

    Then on this basis all the influence factors are theoretically analyzed and studied to hunt for the role that each factor plays in interpersonal contact and the reasons why there exist the differences of being influenced by the interpersonal relationship between the students of different grades .

  18. SNS网站对于大学生同学间人际关系的影响

    The Effect of Social Networking Sites on the Relationships between College Students

  19. 当SNS网络成为越来越多人经常化的选择,SNS网络的价值就不仅仅代表的是Web2.0时代网络社会的进步与超越,而更是进一步地对个体人际传播产生影响。

    When the SNS network becomes the regular choice for more people , the value of SNS not only represents the progress of the Web 2.0 era , but rather further lies in the impact of individual interpersonal communication .

  20. 人际交往水平影响着考生的心理状态和应考效率。

    Human communications affects examinees ' mood and efficiency in exam .

  21. 网络依赖对大学生人际关系的影响

    Influence of the Internet Dependence on Interpersonal Relations of College Students

  22. 劝说功能受人际意义的影响并通过人际意义实现。

    Persuading function is realized through and influenced by interpersonal function .

  23. 论网络对大学生人际沟通的影响及对策

    The Influences of Network on College Students Human Intercourse and Its Countermeasures

  24. 尽管如此,人际交流和影响使电视的效果或减或增,这一点是没有问题的。

    Nonetheless , interpersonal communication and influence do affect television 's effectiveness .

  25. 网络传播对大学生人际交往的影响研究

    The Study of the Impact of Internet Transmission on Undergraduates

  26. 道义和利益哪个对人际关系的影响更大?

    Which one gives more influence to inter-personal relations : benefit or morality ?

  27. 师生人际行为的影响因素

    The Correlates of Teacher - student Interpersonal Behavior

  28. 中国文化中内隐自大对人际吸引力的影响

    The Effects of Implicit Egotism on Interpersonal Attractiveness

  29. 护理群体内部人际关系的影响因素调查

    The factors affecting interpersonal relations among nursing staff

  30. 孔子仁学思想对秘书人员处理人际关系的影响

    The Influence of the Ideology of Confucian Humanity on Secretaries in Dealing with Public Relations