
  • 网络Thumb Culture
  1. 拇指文化&短信的词汇衔接

    " Thumb Culture " & the Lexicon Cohesion of Little Message

  2. 拇指文化带来健康问题。

    Thumb culture causes new health problem .

  3. 大家好,我的名字叫Pazbi,是拇指文化网站的副主编,现在我将告诉大家一点关于PSP的技术。

    Hi , my name is Pazbi . I 'm the deputy editor of Thumbculture.com and I 'm going to teach you about the PSP .

  4. 拇指文化在马来西亚

    " Thumb Culture " in Malaysia

  5. 拇指文化演绎语言新时尚&手机短信的语体分析

    " Thumb Culture " Heralds New Language Fashion : A Stylistic Analysis of Cell-Phone Short Messages

  6. 拇指文化对大学生文明素养的消极影响及其对策&以安徽科技学院为例

    On the Negative Effect of Thumb Culture upon College Students ' Cultural Quality & A Case Study of Anhui Institute of Technology

  7. 手机短信越来越受人们的喜爱。然而正当人们享受这种拇指文化给人带来的方便的同时,它的一些负面影响却日趋凸显。

    Short message service is getting increasingly popular . However , some negative effects of cell phones are becoming increasingly prominent when we enjoy the convenience of Thumb Culture .

  8. 手机短信是一种快捷便利的最时尚的沟通方式,它的流行风靡逐渐演变成为一种时尚文化&“拇指文化”又称“短信文化”。

    Electronic notes are a fast , convenient and the most fashionable way of communication , which evolves gradually into popular culture & " thumb culture " or " note culture " .

  9. 日本是“拇指文化”的典范,处在这个文化氛围中的人们都能够熟练地用他们的拇指操作手机键盘、游戏杆、笔记本电脑指示钮以及任何可以用拇指操作键盘的仪器。

    By which people are skilled at using their thumbs to manipulate objects such as mobile phone keys , small joysticks , notebook computer pointers and any gadget with the thumb acting on the keypad .

  10. 随着我国手机用户数量的持续稳定增长,手机短信作为一种新的人际沟通方式已深入并影响着我们的生活,拇指文化由此而演绎了语言的新时尚。

    With the steady increase in the number of cell-phone consumers , cell-phone short messages ( SM ) as a new means of interpersonal communication have been greatly influencing people 's life , and the thumb culture has originated a new fashion of language .

  11. 短信已被称为继报纸、广播、电视、网络之后的第五媒体,形成了拇指经济、拇指文化。

    Message has been called the " fifthmedia " after newspapers , radio , television and network .