
mǔ shōu jī
  • adductor of thumb;adductor pollicis;musculus adductor pollicis
  1. 拇收肌后间隙内独立肌束的形态学研究

    The morphologic study on the independent muscle bundles in the posterior adductor pollicis space of hands

  2. 尺神经深支均为运动肌支,主要支配小鱼际肌、全部骨间肌、第3和4蚓状肌、拇收肌、拇短屈肌深头。

    Profundus nervi ulnaris are muscular branches , which mainly dominates hypothenar muscles , all of the interosseous muscle , third and fourth lumbrical muscles , adductor pollicis muscle and deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle .

  3. 皮肤进针点与尺神经深支终末段穿拇收肌处的距离是(3.53±0.24)cm。

    The depth from the inserted point of the skin to the point where the terminal segment of deep branch of ulnar nerve penetrated through the adductor pollicis muscle , was ( 3.53 ± 0.24 ) cm .

  4. 尺神经深支终末段穿拇收肌横头与拇收肌斜头之间入拇收肌后间隙,并在此间隙内发出各肌支。

    The terminal segment of deep branch of ulnar nerve drilled through between the transverse head and oblique head of adductor muscle of thumb , and then it came into the posterior space of adductor muscle of thumb .

  5. 方法:解剖20个(40侧)成人尸体标本手的拇收肌腱弓,对拇收肌起始部的纤维弓状结构进行观察、测量,对观测结果进行统计学处理。

    Methods : The fibrous arch structure of the origin of adductor muscle of thumb was observed and measured on 20 ( 40 sides ) adult cadaveric hand specimens .