
  • 网络proper palmar digital nerve
  1. 采用包含指掌侧固有神经背侧支的指动脉皮瓣可即时修复手指外伤或再造拇、食指。

    The primary repair by vascularized skin flap with the dorsal branch of proper palmar digital nerve could be done .

  2. 方法在20具40侧成人上肢标本上解剖观测指掌侧固有神经背侧支的起点和走行。

    Methods Upper limbs of 20 ( 40 sides ) adult embalmed cadavers were dissected under unaided eyes and an operating microscope at magnification of x4 to observe and measure the origination and course of the dorsal branch of proper palmar digital nerve ( PPDN ) .

  3. 小指桡侧的指掌侧固有神经背侧支缺如率较高,不宜设计成背侧支指背皮瓣。

    However , for the absence rate of the dorsal branches on the radial side of the little finger is so high , it should not be included in the dorsal digital island flap .

  4. 对指掌侧固有动脉、神经及静脉的位置、管径进行了观测。

    The position and diameter of the proper palmar arteries , nerves and veins were observed and measured .

  5. 结论该术式避免指掌侧固有血管、神经的损伤,手术简便,是临床修复指端缺损的良好方法。

    Conclusion It can avoid injury of digital proper artery , which is a good method for repairing fingertip defect .

  6. 皮瓣的桡动脉掌浅支、静脉及神经分别与指掌侧固有动脉、指背静脉及指掌侧固有神经吻合。

    The superficial palmar branch of radial artery , vein and nerve of the flap were anastomosed with digitales volares propriae artery , digitales dorsales vein and digitales volares propriae nerve .