
  1. 军事指挥人才寿命GERT网络模型研究

    Modeling Research of GERT Net on Life Cycle of the Military Commander Learning and Working

  2. 基于3Q的新型军交运输指挥人才培养对策研究

    Research on Cultivation of New Military Transport Commanders Based on " 3Q "

  3. SXSW电影已经成为一个世界一流的电影节,把重点放在新的指挥人才。

    SXSW Film has become one of the world 's premiere film festivals , focusing on new directing talent .

  4. 论多样化军事任务中指挥人才能力素质的需求

    Needs of Commanding Talents Capability and Quality in Diversified Military Tasks

  5. 卫勤指挥人才模拟训练系统开发与应用

    Development and Application of Simulation Training System for Military Health Service Talents

  6. 军事院校是部队指挥人才的摇篮。

    Military academies are cradle for armed forces to train commanding officers .

  7. 试论初级通信指挥人才的知识、能力与素质结构

    On Knowledge , Ability and Quality Structure of Elementary Communication - commanding Officers

  8. 两栖作战指挥人才培养刍议

    On the cultivation of commanding personnel for amphibious operations

  9. 构建培养海军中高级指挥人才的大课堂

    Constructing the " big-class " of Training Naval Secondary and Senior commanding Talents

  10. 装备指挥人才培养的若干理论问题

    Theory of Personnel Training on Equipment Command Officer

  11. 对信息化条件下联合作战指挥人才培养的几点思考

    Consideration of Training the Commanders of the Joint Operation under the Conditions of Informationization

  12. 军交运输专业院校联合作战指挥人才培养研究

    Research on Cultivation of the Joint Operational Command Personnel in Academies of Military Transportation

  13. 军事指挥人才综合能力素质测评技术及应用研究

    Research on Test Technology and Its Application about Integrative Capability Quality of Military Command Elitists

  14. 初级通信指挥人才的培养,是面向二十一世纪我军人才队伍建设的一项重要任务。

    Training the elementary communication - commanding officers is an important task of our army facing the 21st century .

  15. 这就要求武警部队必须拥有大量高素质、全能型的军事指挥人才。

    And this requires that armed forces must have a large number of command officers with high quality and be learned in every field .

  16. 初级指挥人才的培养是军队现代化建设的重要组成部分,院校教育承担着初级指挥人才培养的主要任务。

    The training of primary commanders is the important constitute of troop / s modernization construction , which is mostly undertook by military colleges .

  17. 合训学员作为军队院校培养的高素质指挥人才,对于部队的长远建设有着重要影响。

    Integrated training cadets , as high ‐ caliber commanding intellectuals cultivated by military academies , are important repertories for the long ‐ term development of the army .

  18. 本文试图从存在的问题及原因入手,探索改革对策,以期促进高素质初级指挥人才的培养。

    In the article , the author tries to start with the present problems and seek the reform countermeasures , so as to further the training of high quality junior command talent .

  19. 用系统论的方法对部队院校军体课教学进行了初步探讨,提出了优化军体教学体系的合理的设置,培养合格的初级军事指挥人才的军体教学系统程序模式。

    This essay tentatively discusses the military sports education of military school with system - theory and provides the reasonable curriculum in order to optimize the system of military sports education and cultivate the qualified junior commanding officers .

  20. 人们喜爱合唱艺术的同时部分人对合唱的了解仍流于表面,造成我国合唱整体水平不高,合唱指挥人才紧缺等现象。

    People like the choral arts but only know the surface at the same time , which results in the level of choral arts not having high attendance and a shortage of choral directors overall in the country .

  21. 其次通过对数学思维与军事思维、数学应用与军事科学,以及数学学习与未来军事发展的相关性分析,说明了初级指挥人才数学素养培养目标。

    Then the teaching goal of primary commanders / math subject is gradually presented through the analysis of the relations between mathematical thinking and military thinking , between mathematical application and military science and between math learning and future military development .

  22. 本文利用现代人才素质测评理论和方法,借鉴发达国家军事指挥人才素质测评的成功经验,结合我军工程兵基层指挥员素质要求,首先研究总结了国内外和我军素质测评研究与应用现状。

    It draws on the military command in the developed countries for reference success experience , talent quality assessment with our army commander quality requirements , grass-roots engineers first research at home and abroad are summarized and our research and application present quality assessment .

  23. 多多培养合唱与指挥人才,使我国的合唱与指挥教学水平与社会接轨,与时代共进。

    Finally , through the introduction of the development of the command teaching in college chorus , it will promote the developing of chorus and command talents , moreover , it will enable our chorus and command in teaching level and social community , together with the time into .

  24. 本文从指挥自动化人才观念、人才素质、人才知识结构、人才培训途径等方面进行了论述,探索具有我军鲜明特色的人才培养之路。

    In this paper , the author has discussed the conception , quality , knowledge structure and training way of the Commanding - automation officers , in order to explore a training way with our army 's characteristics .

  25. 信息技术的迅速发展并广泛地运用于军事斗争领域,由此引发的武器装备、作战样式、指挥体系、人才培养等一系列新军事变革波及全球。

    The rapid development of information technology and widely used in the field of military combat , result the weaponry , execute style , command system , personnel training and a series of new military reform affected the whole world .

  26. 深化作战指挥实验教学培养高素质指挥人才

    Deepening Experimental Teaching of Operational Commander and Cultivating High Quality Commander Talents

  27. 指挥自动化系统仿真对我军指挥自动化建设和指挥自动化人才的培训具有较高的军事效益和经济效益。

    The Training & Simulation system of Shore-based Naval Command and Control ( TSCCS ) is of great military and economic benefit to building our Command and Control System and training our automation talents .

  28. 最后根据我军指挥院校数学教学的现状和数学课程教学的特点规律,指出了加强初级指挥人才数学素养培养的主要途径与策略。

    In the end , according to the condition of math learning among military colleges and the characters as regulations of math teaching , the main means of intensifying the mathematical quality of primary commanders is introduced .