
  1. 根据“英国高等院校入学服务机构”(universitiesandcollegesadmissionsservice)1月30日公布的数字,今年英国申请攻读全日制高校课程的人数下降了8.7%。

    The number of British people who applied for a full-time university course fell by 8.7 % this year , according to figures published by the universities and Colleges Admissions Service on January 30th .

  2. 方法:以大学生为对象采用自编调查表对全国6省市9所全日制高校5500名学生进行问卷调查。

    Method : The research is directed towards 5 500 full-time college students within six provinces or cities in China based upon self-made research list .

  3. 其待遇与全日制普通高校本科一样。

    Its pay and full-time are common college undergraduate course is same .

  4. 学习者自主型教学模式中教师角色的转换&以全日制普通高校英语教学改革为例

    On Change of Teachers ′ Role in Learner Autonomy Teaching Mode & A Case Study of College English Reform

  5. 黑龙江东方学院是最早获教育部批准的全日制民办高校之一。

    Heilongjiang Oriental College is one of the first full-time private colleges and universities ratified by the ministry of Education .

  6. 民办高等教育从20世纪80年代重新出现以来,经过二十多年的努力,已经发展成为我国高等教育的一支崭新力量,同全日制普通高校和成人高校鼎足而立,三分天下有其一。

    Since its reappearance in the 1980s , private higher education , with about twenty years ' development , has grown into an important new force of China 's higher education .

  7. 通过对全日制普通高校非电子类专业开设的电工电子实验教学中实验模块构建及考核标准优化问题的研究分析,进行了相应的思考,并提出了对策方案。

    Through analysis and research on the similar problems during the Mode-building and its standards for the electrical and electronic experiments of non-electronic major of full-time ordinary high colleges and universities , the paper gives the suggestion and strategies to solving the problems .

  8. (简称纲要)本论文主要采用调查的形式对山西省高校公共体育教学进行调查,研究的主要对象是山西省的全日制普通本科高校学生,根据地理特性进行地区随机抽取样本进行现状的研究。

    This paper mainly takes the form of a survey to investigate the public physical education in colleges and universities in Shanxi province , Shanxi province is the main object of the study full-time undergraduate college , according to geographical characteristics of present situation of random sampling in research .

  9. 随着社会对高等教育的需求日趋增强,成教全日制学生已成为高校学生的一个重要组成部分。

    Society strengthens day by day to the need of the higher education , the full-time student of adult higher education has become a very important part of universities student .