
  • 网络holography
  1. 并且结合全息论的思维方式和原理,通过对语境发生转换机制的动态研究发现语境的全息性,进而提出全息语境的概念和语境全息理论;

    And , discover the theory of context holography through the research toward the occurrence mechanism of the context , Then , put forward the concept of the holography context .

  2. 心&身全息论应用研究

    The Research of Mind-body Holographic Theory usage

  3. 生态全息论对发展循环经济的启示

    Implications of generalized ecology on circular economy

  4. 一种新的宇宙观:全息论

    Hologram Theory : a New Universe View

  5. 本文以语言全息论为例,说明作为认知规律的范畴化(与概念化)过程,何以用来产生理论研究中的原创性。

    This paper gives the reason why , as a cognitive process , the categorization process can also bring about originality in theoretical investigation .

  6. 目前全息论的哲学成分还比较浓,全息论哲学也为某些重大哲学问题的解决提出了新的路线。

    At present , hologram theory is fairly philosophical , and the philosophy of hologram has raised some new route to solve some significant philosophical problems .

  7. 其次,通过语言全息论来诠释顺应论,指出在交际过程,人体与交际系统是一个相互作用的全息状态。

    On the basis of these two theories , it points out that communicator 's body and communicative system are an independent holography in the process of communication .

  8. 全息论的基本假设是:在空间的任何一点,都有来自宇宙各不同方向、不同距离和发自于各不同时间、不同历史阶段的信息。

    The basic supposition of hologram theory is that at any point in space , there are information from different directions , distances , different times and different historic stages .

  9. 生态全息论的提出对于确立新的生态整体观,建立新的生态工程,研究生态系统的发展和进化,对于预测、控制等都具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    Eco-holographics has very important significance both in theory and in practice for predicting , controling and establishing new ecological holistic view point as a whole , new eco-engineering , studying development and evolution of ecosystem , etc.

  10. 语言全息论是用生物全息律、宇宙全息律和系统论对语言的性质、语言理论的思考。

    The theory of language holograph is the rethought over the nature of language and the language theories in terms of the law of biology holograph , the law of cosmos holograph and the theory of system .

  11. 从湿地生态系统的全息性论湿地生态场

    From wetland ecosystem holographic to discuss wetland ecological field

  12. 全息区域论探

    Probing into the theory of holographic region

  13. 全息教学论的理论基础及其与多媒体教学方式的关系

    The Theoretical Foundation of the Theory of Holography Teaching and Its Relation with Multimedia Teaching Mode

  14. 运用全息教学论可以阐述包括多媒体教学方式在内的许多现代教学方式的教学原理与教学规律。

    The theory of holography teaching can expound a lot of principle of teaching in modern teaching mode , including the multimedia teaching mode .

  15. 联想的语言学理论基础是语言全息发展论,或者说也论证了语言全息发展论。

    The linguistic theoretical basis for the study of mental association is the holographic developmental theory of language , which is also illustrated by the study of mental association .

  16. 本文从阐述全息教学论的整体教育技术观与多媒体组合教学的关系说明多媒体组合教学在学校教学活动中的地位和意义。

    This essay has dealt with the position and significance of multimedia-based compound teaching in school teaching activities by way of expounding the relationship between the integrated techniques of multi-information eduction theory and multimedia-based compound teaching .

  17. 汉字全息律是根据宇宙全息统一论而发展出的一种汉字学理论,旨在对汉字的全息状况加以描写。

    Chinese character holography is a kind of theory aiming at the description of the Chinese characters ' holographic condition .