
  • 网络full relation;total relation;universal relation
  1. 面向对象的全关系型GIS空间数据库设计

    Design of Object-Oriented Spatial Relational Database in GIS

  2. 基于SDE的全关系空间数据库的实现

    Realization of TOTAL-RELATIONSHIP spatial database based on SDE

  3. 提出了一种将空间数据存入关系型数据库的数据模型,进而对基于SqlServer的全关系化空间数据结构进行了分析。

    So , a data model of spatial graphical data storage in RDBMS is presented in this paper . Finally , in light of this model , the paper analyses a relational spatial-data structure based on SQL Server .

  4. 嵌入式全关系系统CR-Foxpro基本运算的实现

    The method of achieving fundamental operations in the embedding complete relational system cr-foxpro

  5. 下肢静脉曲张与深静脉瓣膜功能不全关系探讨

    Relationship between varicose vein of lower limb and primary deep vein insufficiency

  6. 新生儿脓毒症与肾上腺皮质功能不全关系的研究进展

    Study Progress of Relationship between Neonatal Sepsis and Adrenal Insufficiency

  7. 全关系空间数据库查询语言的研究和实现

    The Research and Implementation of the Full Relational Spatial Database Query Language

  8. 全关系型地籍空间数据存储的研究

    The research of completely relational cadastral spatial data storage

  9. 空间数据全关系化存储的研究

    Database - based storage for spatial data

  10. 腓肠肌细胞Na~+-K~+-ATP酶活性与原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全关系研究

    Experimental study on the correlation between Na ~ + - K ~ + - ATPase activity of gastrocnemius muscle cell membrance and deep venous insufficiency

  11. 从最小偏实例的概念出发,把全关系中的等值连接算子推广为偏关系中的相容连接算子。

    Starting from the concept of minimal partial instances , we turn to extending the equijoin operator in total relations to the consistent join operator in partial relations .

  12. P波终末电势与高血压性心脏病心功能不全的关系

    The relationship between Ptfv_1 and hypertensive heart failure

  13. IBM将SOA视为业务和IT部门间的全方位关系。

    IBM views SOA as a holistic relationship between the business and the IT organization .

  14. 不同土壤中Zn有效态含量与全量关系的统计研究

    Statistical relationship between bio-available Zn and total Zn concentration in soil under non-continous spatio-temporal condition

  15. 依据共有STR基因座数判别全同胞关系

    Full Sibling Identification Based on the Number of Matched STR Locus

  16. ActiveRecord并非全对象关系型映射层。

    ActiveRecord is not a full object relational mapping layer .

  17. 接着,基于HSV空间中的色彩全序关系,定义了彩色形态算子;

    Finally , color morphological operators are defined based on a special full order relation of color vectors in HSV model .

  18. 创伤及大手术后感染并发高血糖和MODS患者血浆内毒素与胰岛β细胞功能不全的关系

    Relationship between the Plasma LPS and the Dysfunctions of Pancreatic Islet β - Cell in Posttraumatic MODS Patients with Infection and Hyperglycemia

  19. 目的探讨脂蛋白(a)(Lp(a))与老年糖尿病性肾病肾功能不全的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between serum lipoprotein ( a ) ( Lp ( a )) levels and renal insufficiency of elderly patients with diabetic nephropathy .

  20. 应用常染色体STR基因座共有等位基因数判别全同胞关系(遗传学)在相应的染色体位点上具有不同的等位基因。

    Application of the Number of Allele Shared among Autosomal STR Loci in Full Sibling Identification ( genetics ) having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci .

  21. 目的探讨先天性肺囊肿(CBC)与肺发育不全的关系及其外科治疗。

    Obj ective To evaluate the relationship between congenital bronchogenic cyst ( CBC ) a nd pulmonary hypoplasia and CBC 's surgical treatment .

  22. 目的探讨2型糖尿病(T2DM)抗血管紧张素Ⅱ的1型受体(AT1)和肾上腺素能α1(Adrα1)受体自身抗体与肾功能不全的关系。

    Objective To explore the role of the autoantibodies against angiotensin ⅱ type 1 receptor ( AT1-receptor ) and α 1-adrenergic receptor (α 1-receptor ) . in the development of diabetic nephropathy .

  23. 一个物种染色体的基本数目是一个单倍体组,这通常见于配子中。应用常染色体STR基因座共有等位基因数判别全同胞关系

    The basic set of chromosomes in a species is the haploid set , usually found in the gametes . Application of the Number of Allele Shared among Autosomal STR Loci in Full Sibling Identification

  24. 论述了可积最高权模的Schubert子模的结构性质,证明了可积最高权模可以表示成有全序关系的Schubert子模的并集。

    The construction properties of the Schubert submodule are studied . It is proved that the integrable highest weight module can be represented as an union of Schubert submodules which are total ordered .

  25. 目的探讨Cockett综合征在下肢静脉曲张患者中的发病情况以及左髂总静脉(leftcommoniliacvein,LCIV)病变与左下肢静脉曲张和深静脉功能不全的关系。

    Objective This study was to investigate the incidence of Cockett syndrome in patients with varicose veins of the lower extremity and the relationship between Cockett syndrome and varicose veins and deep venous insufficiency of the left lower extremity .

  26. 下颌舌骨神经与下颌切牙阻滞不全的关系

    Relation between the mylohyoid nerve and the incomplete mandibular incisor block

  27. 感染性休克心肌细胞损害与心功能不全的关系

    The relationship between myocardial cell injury and cardiac dysfunction in septic shock

  28. 血浆B型脑利钠肽水平与临床舒张功能不全程度关系的界值研究

    Research on cutoff value of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with clinical diastolic heart failure

  29. 通过计算机仿真,比较分析了全姿态关系式与六自由度仿真中不利姿态传统处理方法的差异。

    The altitude error of all-attitude formula is compared with general method adverse attitude condition through simulation .

  30. 内皮细胞损伤与器官功能不全的关系

    Relationship of vascular endothelial dysfunction to the patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome