
  • 网络landscape element;landscape factors
  1. 过伐林景观要素沿环境梯度分布趋势的研究

    Distribution of Landscape Elements along Environmental Gradients in Over-Cutting Forest Region

  2. 第四部分对具体景观要素的运用进行了分析。

    Part IV have analyzed the specific use of landscape elements .

  3. 科尔沁沙地典型区景观要素动态过程研究

    Dynamics process of landscape elements in typical area in Horqin Sandy Land

  4. 景观要素及景观生态系统是动态变化的。

    The key elements of landscape and landscape ecosystem are dynamic change .

  5. 浅论主题公园之景观要素在北方地区的表现

    Discussion on Performance of Landscape Elements in Theme Park in Northern Region

  6. 济南城市用地景观要素空间结构研究

    Study of land use 's land scape spatial structure in Jinan City

  7. 水是园林的生命线,也是重要的景观要素。

    Water is the lifeline of gardening and important scenic factor as well .

  8. 崂山风景区景观要素空间格局及其动态分析

    Pattern of Landscape Elements and Its Dynamic Analysis for the Laoshan Beauty Spot

  9. 明清苏州村落的景观要素及其变迁

    The Landscapes and Its Vicissitudes of Suzhou Villages in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  10. 组成要素可分为硬质景观要素和软质景观要素。

    The landscape elements can be classified into the hard and soft ones .

  11. 景观要素的形状指数与形状特征的关系

    The relations between the shape index of the landscape elements and their shape features

  12. 水系和道路起廊道的作用;其余景观要素均为斑决。

    The other landscape elements , the patch .

  13. 线状景观要素的分维数与其形状特征的关系

    The Relations between the Fractal Dimension of the Linear Landscape Element and its Shape Features

  14. 伴随着荒漠化的发展,各种景观要素类型之间相互转化,景观格局发生显著变化。

    As a consequence of desertification development , a significant change appeared in landscape patterns .

  15. 景观要素的分维数与其形状参数的二元线性回归模型

    The binary linear regression model of fractal dimensions of landscape elements and their shape parameters

  16. 苏州古典园林中的各种景观要素的最佳观赏视距存在差异。

    The best viewing distance of the various landscape elements in Suzhou classical gardens is different .

  17. 重塑山地滨水城市的景观要素&以重庆市为例

    Rebuilding the Landscape Factors in the Designs of Mountainous-waterfront City & The Example of Chongqing City

  18. 从视觉分析角度建立峡江景观要素的分析模型,并对部分核心模型进行了手工采集数据的分析验证工作;

    We established visual analysis model on Gorge-River landscape , and analyzed some core model by handiwork ;

  19. 从景观要素来看,无论哪一亚区均以天然草地为景观基质;

    Viewing from the landscape factors , grasslands are the matrix of landscapes in all the subregions .

  20. 文中从城市道路的景观要素出发,探讨了道路景观设计的设计思想和设计方法。

    From landscape constituents of the urban highway , the design idea and method about highway landscape is discussed .

  21. 还有天空也是一个强有力的景观要素,它和其他的自然元素一起构成经典的背景。

    Also the sky has a strong presence in the landscape composing with the rest of the nature a classic view .

  22. 景观要素是根据构成要素最明显的土地利用特征,对景观单元的进一步划分。

    Landscape elements is the most obvious characteristics of land use according to the constituent elements of landscape unit further divided .

  23. 五台山植被随着海拔高度的变化有明显的垂直地带性规律,光热条件是影响五台山地区植被景观要素及其分布的重要因素。

    The conditions of light and warmth are the key factors in determining the elements and their distribution in this area .

  24. 西北干旱区景观要素镶嵌结构的分形研究&以黑河流域为例

    A Fractal Study on the Mosaic Structure of the Landscape of Northwest China-Taking the Drainage Area of Heihe River as an Example

  25. 勾画出研究地区三个时期的景观要素斑块类型图。

    Three stages vegetation landscape patch mosaic maps of study area are drawn and edited as basic data source for the project .

  26. 防汛墙不仅是保障河流防汛安全的功能性设施,同时也是重要的景观要素。

    The flood prevention wall is not only a functional facility safeguarding flood safety of river , but also an important urban landscape .

  27. 由于植被斑块破碎,相互交错,空间异质性高,景观要素或者斑块类型表现出十分复杂的空间镶嵌的分布格局。

    Because of fragmentation , intersection and high heterogene of vegetation patches , vegetation landscape showed a very complex and mosaic distribution pattern .

  28. 各景观要素也表现出不同的景观结构多样性,缀块空间分布结构多样性以及异质性变化。

    The different landscape elements show the different diversity in landscape structure and the different landscape diversity and landscape heterogeneity in path structure .

  29. 空间的整体性,在现代别墅庭院中主要表现在庭院与基地环境的统一、庭院内各景观要素的统一等。

    In modern villas courtyard , the courtyard of the environment is incarnated by the unification of garden landscape elements and the unified coordination .

  30. 漓江是漓江风景区的核心景观要素,漓江景区的很多生态环境问题均由漓江水资源环境问题引发。

    Lijiang River is the core landscape of the scenic sites and most ecological environmental problems resulted from the hydrological conditions of the River .