
  1. 比如说,当每个已开发的地区能够管理其暴雨径流的质量和数量,它就为保持具有可持续的区域物种多样性的景观地貌做出了贡献。

    When each developed parcel manages the quality and quantity of its storm-water runoff , for example , it contributes to a healthier landscape with sustained regional biodiversity .

  2. 这些系统还包括保护城市内外资源丰富地的景观地貌,例如:向水库排水的源头和支流。

    These systems also include the landscapes that support the place of abundance , both inside and outside urban areas , headwaters and tributaries that drain to reservoirs , for instance .

  3. 黄山风景景观的地貌条件研究

    A research on the landform conditions of the landscapes in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  4. 按照景观、地貌与母质类型,设置了51个土壤观察剖面,并采集土壤剖面各层段土样进行理化分析。

    Fifty one soil profiles varying in natural landscape , landforms and parent materials were observed and some soil chemical and physical properties were analyzed .

  5. 景观格局是地貌格局、土壤格局、植被分布格局、水资源格局及生产力格局等的综合。

    Landscape pattern is the synthesis of physiognomy , soil , vegetation , water and productivity .

  6. 九寨沟岩溶地貌景观和冰川地貌景观的形成离不开岩溶作用和冰川作用,但同时受九寨沟地层岩性、构造运动、气象水文条件、重力作用、生物作用等因素的影响和控制。

    Jiuzhaigou karst landscapes and the formation of glacial landscape is inseparable from the role of karst and glaciers , but is controlled by the Jiuzhaigou lithology , tectonic movements , meteorological and hydrological conditions , gravity , biological and other factors .

  7. 贵阳市花溪区植被景观格局对地形地貌的响应及其独特性研究

    The Response of Landscape Pattern of Vegetation to the Topography and Its Uniqueness in Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  8. 沿河两岸典型的热带雨林景观和巧夺天工的地貌,令人叹为观止。

    The two sides along the typical tropical rain forest landscape and the landscape of the south-pointing carriage , eye-openers .

  9. 大型露天矿区生态系统景观动态变化过程包括生态破坏过程的景观变化(土地挖损、土地压占、土地占用)和生态重建过程的景观变化(地貌重塑、土壤重构、植被重建)。

    The results show that the process of ecosystem landscape dynamic succession in larger open-pit mine includes ones in damaging ecosystem ( excavating , occupying and piling ) and in rehabilitating ecosystem ( landform remolding , soil rebuilding and re-vegetation ) .