
  • 网络landscape management;Landscape Manage;Management of Landscape
  1. 污水治理与土壤重金属降解是成都市下一阶段景观管理与生态建设中需要重点保障的生态系统服务功能。

    Harnessing water pollution and decomposing soil heavy Mentals are the most important function of ecosystem services in Chengdu which should be protected in the course of urban landscape management and ecological construction .

  2. 在此基础上,对美国景观管理的主要内容进行了介绍,通过一个实例说明了景观管理系统的具体应用。

    Based on this , a forest landscape management approach in United States was introduced through a case study applying the Landscape Management System ( LMS ) in order to provide a reference to the similar studies in China .

  3. 引进GIS技术来进行传统聚落景观管理是一个值得探索的方向;

    Introducing GIS technology to managing traditional settlements landscape is worth exploring .

  4. GIS支持下的传统聚落景观管理模式

    A research of the management pattern of traditional settlements landscape under GIS support

  5. 尽管美丽花园项目很好地装扮了城市,但风景园林师现在正提倡景观管理的重要性。

    While the garden beautiful movement has served some cities well , landscape architects are promoting relevance in landscape management .

  6. 该文旨在对我国源于国有林场的自然保护区的景观管理、森林管理及生态旅游事业的开展提供新的思路。

    The authors hope that the newly suggested management system becomes a useful way for natural reserve management in China .

  7. 可视化技术是由客观需求所驱动的一项新技术,随着计算机处理能力的不断提高,在森林景观管理中利用可视化技术来辅助管理的要求也日益突出。

    Visualization Technique is a new application-driven technique . The demand for visualization technique grows with the ever-development of computer science .

  8. 基于GIS的中国南方传统聚落景观保护管理信息系统初步研究

    A pilot study of the GIS-based management information system for the preservation of the traditional settlements landscape in the South of China

  9. 沙化影响正在进一步威胁着人类对荒漠景观的管理成果。

    Human management in the desert area is being threatened by desertification .

  10. 工程进度管理是园林景观工程管理中的重要内容,是提高工程质量、保证工期、降低成本的必要保证。

    Schedule control is an important part of Landscape project management , which is the necessary guarantees to improve project quality , guarantee period , and reduce the cost .

  11. 以南方地区208个经典古镇作为研究样本,初步建立我国南方传统聚落景观保护管理信息系统,就是这种探索的有益尝试。

    It is a valuable trying that information system of preservation and management traditional settlements is initially established , which use208 old towns of the south of China as research samples .

  12. 基本农田的保护、城镇扩展规模的控制及草地、裸地的利用与植被恢复将是今后几年长江中下游流域景观可持续管理的主要任务。

    The main tasks of the sustainable management in the study region are the basic farmland protection , the control of expansion in urban , the use of bare land , and the vegetation restoration .

  13. 上海中环线景观设计和管理

    Discussion on landscape design and management on Shanghai middle ring road

  14. 浙江宁波月湖景区的景观养护与管理

    Maintenance and Management of Lunar Lake in Ningbo , Zhejiang

  15. 公路景观地理信息管理系统研究

    Research on Highway Landscape Geo-Information Management System

  16. 游客审美体验视角下的昆明世博园景观虚拟优化管理

    The Speculated Optimization Landscape Management of Kunming EXPO '99 from the Viewpoint of Tourist Esthetic Experience

  17. 刘树坤访日报告:日本城市河道的景观建设和管理(九)

    The report of visiting Japan by Liu Shukun : landscape construction and administration of Japanese urban river courses ( 9 )

  18. 因此,景观项目成本管理的优化也就成为衡量企业管理水平重要指标。

    Therefore , the optimization of outdoor landscape project cost management has become an important indicator to measure the level of company management .

  19. 从国内外湿地研究进展看,濒海湿地景观变化及其管理对策研究得到人们越来越广泛的重视。

    In the history of wetland research at home and abroad , the study on changes of coastal wetland landscape and its management measures attaches more and more importance .

  20. 系统的功能模块包括输入输出、显示编辑、查询统计、数据集管理、景观指数库管理、景观分析与辅助规划等。

    This information system has following function modules : input / output , display , edit , query , statistic , landscape indexes management , landscape analysis , assistant planning modules .

  21. 运用成本管理的理论知识,在招标管理、施工工艺、仓储管理、岗位考核的基础上,就泰和公司的户外景观项目成本管理提出了具体的优化方案。

    Through the application of cost management theory and knowledge , in the bidding management , construction technology , warehousing management and post evaluation aspects , we put forward a specific optimization scheme .

  22. 老圃(OFLA)为一提供规划、景观设计、营建管理及施工专业服务的国际专业顾问团体。

    OFLA is an international professional consultant group , providing planning , design and construction Management services .

  23. 浅谈城市住宅小区景观绿化工程项目管理

    On the Project Management of Landscape Greenization in Urban Residential Areas

  24. 浅谈温州地区村镇景观的建设与管理

    On rural landscape construction and management in Wenzhou area

  25. 另外,对于停车场景观设计、停车管理提出一些建议。

    Besides , several suggestions concerning on the environmental design of parking lots and parking management have been given .

  26. 长江下游平原区乡村景观的结构、管理和土壤有机碳研究

    Landscape structure , management and soil organic carbon in the densely populated village landscapes of China 's Yangtze Delta Plain

  27. 苏南及浙江部分地区园林绿化景观工程建设项目管理

    Management of Landscape Engineering Project Construction for Gardens and Parks ' Afforesting in Partial Areas of Zhejiang and the South of Suzhou

  28. 景观规划、景观管理等专业则教授学生大尺度规划和景观的长期维护管理的技能。

    Moreover , Landscape Planning and Landscape Management progresses provide skills to students who want to be a landscape planner or landscape manager .

  29. 我国是农业大国,我国的乡村景观规划与环境管理对加快城乡一体化进程和乡村的可持续发展具有重要的作用。

    China is a big country of agriculture , so our landscape planning and environmental management are beneficial to integration of urban and rural areas and sustainable development of countryside .

  30. 本文从景观工程施工合同管理、景观工程施工、公园养护管理等方面引起的安全问题进行探讨,并提出具有法律意义的对策。

    This article from landscape engineering construction contract management , landscape engineering construction , park maintenance management aspects discusses problems caused by the security , and put forward the countermeasures of legal meaning .