
  • 网络Connecting roads;road link;Connector
  1. 接着详细介绍了基于snakes模型检测道路的方法,利用该方法来连接道路段;

    Fourthly , the paper introduces briefly road detection based on snakes and through it road segments are connected .

  2. 基于TCT的市区与开发区连接道路交通安全评价研究

    Safety Evaluation of Connected Road of New Development Zones and Urban Area Based on Traffic Conflict Technique

  3. 城镇群连接道路功能分类与功能实现

    Study on Functional Category and Functional Realization of Connect-road in Town Agglomerations

  4. 珠江三角洲城市群连接道路功能分级体系研究

    Classification System of Connection Road of Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration Based on Function

  5. 桥梁是公路的咽喉,是连接道路网的重要环节,在交通中起着至关重要的作用。

    Bridge is a very important part of transportation , a significant chain to connect the road net .

  6. 随着公路交通事业的高速发展,作为连接道路的桥梁,起着至关重要的作用。

    The bridge of linking road has taken an extremely effect , along with the highway traffic undertaking of development at top speed .

  7. 具体包括:城镇群连接道路平面交叉口的适用类型和交通管理方式;平面交叉口和出入口最小控制间距标准;出入口接入管理技术;出入口审批制度等。

    The details including : the application types of road crossing of town arterial road and traffic management mode ; the standard of minimum control spacing of road crossing and road access ; access management technology ; access-point examination and approval system and so on .

  8. 你将在功课,地区,票来源和费用上发现信息和连接,道路和空气连接,本地住所,和本地风景和声音。

    You 'll find information and links on the course , locality , ticket sources and costs , road and air connections , local accommodation , and local sights and sounds .

  9. 方法的基本过程如下:利用高斯马尔可夫随机场纹理模型与支撑向量机进行图像分类得到道路块,通过细化得到道路轴线并登记宽度信息,然后通过启发式规则进行轴线连接得到道路网。

    Firstly , road patches are obtained with combining Gaussian Markov random field texture model and support vector machine , and the road axes are obtained and their widths are registered with the thinning operator , and then the road network is connected with the heuristic strategy .

  10. 伊利亚德法鲁是连接内地的道路。

    Ilha de Faro is connected to the mainland by road .

  11. 被互相连接,提供道路,关于房间。这些小湖是互相连通的。

    Be interconnected , afford passage , as of rooms . These little lakes all run into one another .

  12. 城市交叉口把城市道路相互连接起来构成道路网,其通行能力制约着城市道路的通达,是影响道路畅通的瓶颈。

    City intersection is the joint of road network , which plays an important role in road capacity and service .

  13. 论文提出一种将相对模糊连接度和道路特征相结合进行卫星图像主干道路半自动提取的新方法。

    In this paper , the new method of road semi-automatic extraction based on relative fuzzy connectedness combined with road feature is proposed .

  14. 本文给出了一个条件,证明了在此条件下任意小同胚连接区域是道路连通的。

    This paper provides a condition and proves the domain in which any two points are joined by finite numbers of arbitrarily small homeomorphisms is path-connected under the condition .

  15. 例如,北京东南角的通州(这里连接市中心的道路是北京最拥堵的路段之一)到市中心骑车至少需要五十分钟。

    For instance , Tongzhou District in the southeast corner , connected to downtown by one of Beijing 's most jammed highways , is at least 50 minutes away by bike .

  16. 他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。

    He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land

  17. 基于OpenGL的对象选定技术,采用ODBC技术与地物属性数据库连接,实现了道路地形三维场景中地物属性信息的动态查询。

    On the basis of the selection target technology of OpenGL , this paper adopts ODBC technology to connect with attribute database . The paper realizes the dynamic inquiry of the attribute information of surface feature in the 3D scene of road and terrain .

  18. 在图像分割获得基本道路网轮廓的基础上,提出了用Hough直线,再进行道路判断、道路修剪、道路连接,并形成道路网,实现了城市直线道路提取。

    On the basis of basic outline of the road network by Image segmentation , proposed by Hough Line , the road again , road cutting , road connections , and the formation of the road network is determined to achieve the city straight road extraction .

  19. 人与人地与地之间的相互连接。被互相连接,提供道路,关于房间。

    A connection allowing access between persons or places . be interconnected , afford passage , as of rooms .