
  • 网络continuous control system
  1. 连续控制系统中调节器的快速自动设计

    Fast and automatic design of regulators in continuous control system

  2. 本文介绍一种基于频率法的连续控制系统设计的程序。

    The present paper introduces a frequency-based program for continuous control system design .

  3. 在控制系统CAD和实际电路设计经验基础上,针对广泛使用的连续控制系统中有源滤波和校正网络电路的工程设计,提出了一种实用的优化设计CAD方法。

    On the basis of control system CAD and engineering experiences of circuit design , the paper presents a kind of practical optimum CAD method to design active filter and correction network circuits , which have been widely used in continuous minimum phase control systems .

  4. 连续控制系统非规范替换法离散化

    The nonstandard substitution technique for transforming continuous-time system into discrete-time system

  5. 具有小滞后的连续控制系统的容错控制器设计

    Fault-tolerant Controller Design for Linear Continuous Control Systems with a Small Time-delay

  6. 连续控制系统的离散相似-可调参数法仿真

    Discrete analog - tunable parameter simulation for continuous control systems

  7. 连续控制系统数字再设计

    Digital numeral redesign of continuous control systems

  8. 自动组合式近似连续控制系统

    Automatically Combined Quasi - continuous Control System

  9. 本文从改善连续控制系统出发,研究提高经典调节器的途径。

    This paper deals with the way to improve regulating quality of control system by reconstructing the classical regulator .

  10. 本文把抽象的连续控制系统推广到混杂系统,给出抽象的混杂系统模型。

    The dissertation generalizes the abstract continuous control system to the hybrid system and offers the abstract hybrid system model .

  11. 在应用时滞元件滤波器校正连续控制系统时,滤波器的传递函数必需满足几个条件。

    The use of the delay line filter as a correcting device for automatic control systems requires fulfilment of certain necessary conditions .

  12. 对数字控制过程中相关环节,如抗混叠滤波、零阶保持以及滞后一拍对连续控制系统稳定性的影响进行了仔细分析和建模。

    Then , the effect of the factors such as , anti-aliasing filtering , zero-order hold and one-beat lag control during were analyzed and modeled .

  13. 以连续控制系统仿真m文件为例,介绍了m文件编辑、编译、修改和函数打包过程。

    Taking the m-file of continuous control system simulation as an example , the progress of edit , compile , modification , and function packing of m-files was also introduced .

  14. 介绍测雨雷达伺服系统的组成及工作原理,采用线性连续控制系统的设计方法完成了伺服控制器的设计,并给出其数字化实现。

    This paper describes the composition and operation principle of the servo system for weather radar . The design of servo controller is completed by using the design method for the linear continuous control system , and its digital implementation is presented .

  15. 本文将应用于连续控制系统求传递函数的梅逊公式,应用扩展到采样控制系统,给出了一种求采样控制系统闭环脉冲传递函数的简便方法。

    Now the Mason 's formula originally used to solve the transfer function in continuous control system is extensively applied to sampling control system , which proves to be a simple new practical approach to solving the closed loop impulse transfer function in the sampling control system .

  16. 仿真和试验结果表明,基于真空泵的正负压连续控制系统具有良好的动态和静态特性,鲁棒性强,对系统参数变化有一定的灵活性,能够较好地满足系统高精度高响应的要求。

    The experiment results show that the pressure and vacuum servo control based on vacuum pump has good dynamic and static performance , strong robustness and good adaptive ability to the variety of the system parameters , and can fulfill high steady control accuracy and fast response effectively .

  17. 事实上,由于其成本低,基于PLC的系统具有高得多的需求比连续值控制系统。

    In fact , due to its low cost , the PLC-based system has a much higher demand than the continuous-valued control system .

  18. 本文分别采用有限元法和拟谱方法将Kirchhoff板和Mindlin板的连续微分控制系统均离散为一个易解的代数系统。

    The finite element method and pseudospectral method are applied respectively to discretize the continuous differential control systems of Kirchhoff plate and Mindlin plate into a simple algebraic system .

  19. 棒材和轻型材连续剪切控制系统

    A continuous cutting control system for bar and light section

  20. 一类连续模糊控制系统稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis on A Class of Continuous-time Fuzzy Control Systems

  21. 连续时间控制系统的数字化设计

    Digital Design of Continuous - time Control Systems

  22. 铍铜半连续自动控制系统

    Semicontinuous Automatic Control System for Beryllium Copper

  23. 多指标的连续预测控制系统设计

    Multi-Objective Design of Continuous Time Predictive Control

  24. 实际二级电压控制是一个连续运行控制系统,各次调控之间互相联系影响,其多目标控制效果不能单一考虑某次调控,而应从整个控制过程出发,实现多目标过程控制效果最优。

    Practical secondary voltage control is a continuous operation system . Each regulation will influence the contol procedure . The effect of multi-objective control should be evaluated by control procedure not by single regulation .

  25. 介绍莱钢棒材和轻型材生产线连续剪切控制系统的硬件、软件和工艺设备控制流程,着重介绍了定尺剪切过程。

    The hardware , software and process control sequence of the continuous cutting control system for bar and light section in Laiwu Iron and Steel Co are introduced , and the process of cutting to length is emphasized .

  26. PC连续刚构桥施工控制系统参数识别

    Parameter Identification of Construction Controlling System of PC Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge

  27. 基于PLC和工控机的连续立式焦炉控制系统研究

    Research on Automatic Control System for Continuous Vertical Coke Oven Based on PLC and IPC

  28. 应用已连续套接字控制VoIP系统QoS

    Connected UDP Socket and Its Application in VoIP System QoS Control

  29. 连续MFN神经控制系统的稳定性判据

    A Stability Criterion of Continuous MFN Neural Control System

  30. 根据工艺要求,设计了连续燃烧的控制系统(CCS),包括负荷控制、蒸汽压力控制、风燃比控制以及雾化蒸汽压力控制等。

    According to the technological requirements , the controlled combustion system ( CCS ), has been designed out . It includes load control , steam pressure control , air-fuel ratio control and atomizing steam pressure control , etc.4 .