
  • 网络connected regions;connected component
  1. 基于Max-tree的连通区域标记新算法

    Connected Component Labeling Algorithm Based on Max - tree

  2. 边界跟踪与序贯算法在二值连通区域标记中的应用

    The Application of Boundary Tracking and the Algorithm of Sequential in Labeling Connected Component

  3. 一个平图G把平面划分成若干个连通区域,这些区域的闭包称为G的面。

    A plane graph G partitions the rest of the plane into a number of connected regions ;

  4. 而图G的边表示设备的连通区域或者有直线连接的处理器。

    And the sides of graph G denote the neighborhood of equipments or the processors which have line connection .

  5. 多连通区域内带两个位移的Hilbert边值问题

    On Hilbert Boundary Value Problems with two shifts in a multiple connected region

  6. 在多连通区域,量子体系的状态应有新的量子数缠绕数k存在。

    A quantum mechanical state defined as a multi - connected manifold should be labeled by a new quantum number & the winding number k.

  7. 有界多连通区域具线性阻尼Navier-Stokes方程的有限维行为

    Finite Dimension Behavior of Navier-Stokes Equations with Linear Damping for Multi-connected Bounded Domains

  8. 利用Riemann映射性质将单位圆内Hp(p≥1)空间的定义推广到了在一般单连通区域上定义Hp(p≥1)空间。

    Expand the definition of Hp ( p ≥ 1 ) space in unit circle to the simply connected region using Riemann mapping .

  9. 有界连通区域上Dirichlet空间及其算子

    Dirichlet Spaces on Bounded Connected Domain and Those Operators

  10. 关于二连通区域上的复函数逼近问题关于多连域内Cauchy积分定理的两种新证法

    On two kinds of new proof of cauchy 's integral theorem in complex connected domain

  11. 平面多连通区域的Voronoi图算法研究

    An Algorithm for Computing Voronoi Diagrams for Multi-connected Domain

  12. 多连通区域中一些与Poincare度量有关的性质

    Some Properties related to Poincare Measure in Multi-connected Region

  13. 本文对于一大类数值求解三维k连通区域Ω上的NavierStokes方程(简记为NS方程)边值问题的一阶有限元格式给出零散度空间V~h的一组简单基函数。

    This paper presents a simple basis of Vh for a kind of first order finite element schemes solving three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations .

  14. 讨论一阶退化椭圆型复方程在多连通区域上的RiemannHilbert边值问题。

    This article deals with the Riemann-Hilbert problem for degenerate elliptic complex equations of first order in multiply connected domains .

  15. 多连通区域的缠绕数和A-B干涉效应

    Winding number in a multi - connected manifold and A - B interference

  16. 在某种凸性条件下最优均衡解集是Pareto最优解的凸本质连通区域。

    The optimal equilibrium solutions set is a connected convex set consisting of the Pareto optimal solutions in a certain convex condition .

  17. 多连通区域内关于解析函数对的带两个位移的广义Carleman问题

    The Generalized Carleman Problem with two Displacements for a Analytic Function Pair in a Complex-Connected Domain

  18. 本文利用连通区域检测、svm分类器、niblack二值化等多种技术实现了一个能够准确地分割低质量车牌的算法。

    In this paper , many digital image process technology are combined to achieve an algorithm to accurately split the low-quality license plate .

  19. 在此基础上,提出一种平面多连通区域的Voronoi图算法,该算法对波前传播算法进行了扩展,能适用于平面多连通区域。

    Then an algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams of multi connected domain is proposed . Such an algorithm improves the wavefront propagation algorithm and is suitable for multi connected domain .

  20. 根据标定模板的特点,在图像特征点提取过程中先使用检测连通区域的方法获得具有嵌套结构的模板,再使用SUSAN角点检测算法检测模板中的角点。

    According to the special structure of the template , first obtain the template in image by detecting the connecting area with structure of mosaic , then find corners of the template using Susan corner detection algorithm .

  21. 循此推广了关于Dirichlet问题的Schwarz基本定理,并给出任意多连通区域上Dir-ichlet问题的解的表达式。

    Schwarz 's basic theorem on Dirichlet 's proble-m is then generalized , and a representation of solution for Dirichlet 's problem given for the arbitrary n - connected domains .

  22. 首先运用改进的Canny边缘检测算法检测出文本边缘,然后对检测结果进行连通区域分析、文本区域鉴定与合并得到候选的文本区域。

    First , the improved Canny algorithm is used to detect the text edge , then connected component and text region identifying and combination is used to get the candidate text region .

  23. 这些算法分别是:基于otsu和形态学相结合方法、基于连通区域、基于聚类、基于增长法。

    These algorithms are : otsu and morphology based on a combination of methods , based on the connected region , based on clustering , based on the growth law .

  24. 无界多连通区域Rieman边值问题的典则解

    Typical solution on Rieman compound boundary problem

  25. 关于具分形边界连通区域上的谱渐近及弱Weyl-Berry猜想

    Counting Function Asymptotics and the Weak Weyl-Berry Conjecture for Connected Domains with Fractal Boundaries

  26. 讨论了4个变量的双解析函数在有界单连通区域上的Dirichlet问题,建立在四元数分析基础上的结果有理论和实践的意义。

    Dirichlet problem of bi analytic functions of four variables on the bounded simply connected domain with smooth boundary is studied . The results , based on quaternionic analysis theory , are of both theoretical and practical interest .

  27. 研究了计算平面单连通区域Voronoi图的波前传播(Wavefront-propagation)算法。

    Voronoi diagram is widely applied in the field of CAD / CAM . We first studied the wavefront propagation algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams for single connected domain .

  28. 采用灰度图像创建Max-tree的基本思想,提出一种新的二值图像连通区域标记算法。

    Based on the theory of Max-tree , a new connected component labeling algorithm is proposed in this paper .

  29. 首先对模板图像和待检测的目标对象进行边缘检测,然后将图像按照连通区域划分成许多不同的子图形区域,并为模板图像中的每个子图形都建立一个R-Table。

    First , the edge of the template image and the target object are detected , and then the image is divided into sub-divided areas according to connected region , and an R-Table is established for each sub-image respectively .

  30. 一种新的快速复杂连通区域扫描线填充算法

    A New Fast Scan Line Filling Algorithm for Complicated Connecting Region