
  • 网络fault locator
  1. 根据该方法研制成以80C196单片机系统为主的架空线路故障测距装置。

    A fault locator for power transmission line using80C196MCU system as its core is developed based on the method .

  2. 现代行波故障测距装置及其运行经验

    Modern travelling wave based fault locator and its operating experience

  3. GPS在故障测距和相量测量中的应用

    Applications of GPS in Transmission Line Fault Location and phasor Measurement

  4. 基于GPS双端同步采样的故障测距软件的实现

    Implementation of Fault Location Software of Gps-Based 2-Terminal Synchronous Sampling

  5. 基于DSP的行波故障测距方法的研究

    A study of measuring fault location by traveling wave base on DSP

  6. 基于GPS的双端量故障测距算法研究

    Study on GPS Based Two Terminal Fault Location Algorithm

  7. 超声波测距的电路设计与单片机编程基于DSP的输电线路行波故障测距研究

    Research on Traveling Wave Fault Location of Transmission Line Based on DSP Technology

  8. 基于MonteCarlo方法的中性点非有效接地系统输电线路故障测距

    Fault Location of Transmission Line in Non-Effective Grounded Neutral System Based on Monte-Carlo Method

  9. 人工神经网络(ANN)具有很强的模式分类、非线性映射、联想和鲁棒性等能力,在继电保护及故障测距领域成为研究的热点。

    Artifical neuron network has a strong ability of model categorizing , nonlinear mapping and association .

  10. 利用CVT捕捉电压行波实现故障测距的分析与实践

    Analysis and practice of fault location by voltage traveling wave of CVT

  11. 电流互感器(TA)饱和会给基于工频电气量的输电线路故障测距精度带来很大的误差。

    Current transformer TA saturation may cause great errors of fault location based on power frequency quantities .

  12. 文中讨论了GPS在电力系统的输电线路故障测距、同步相量测量等方面的应用,并较详细地介绍了GPS的组成和测量原理。

    The application of GPS in the transmission line travelling wave fault location and synchronous phasor measurement is discussed in the paper . The composition and principle of GPS are also presented .

  13. 讨论了目前的故障测距装置中的传感器、高速数据采集、GPS同步单元等几个关键部分的研究情况,同时也对它们今后的发展与改进提出了自己的看法。

    The development of modern traveling wave fault location , the key parts of fault location system , such as sensor , high speed data collection and GPS unit etc. , are presented .

  14. 基于Hilbert-Huang变换和神经网络的带串补高压输电线路故障测距

    Fault Location for High Voltage Transmission Lines With the Series Compensation Capacitor Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and Neural Network

  15. 与传统的基于工频量的故障测距技术相比而言,基于行波的测距技术不易受系统运行方式、过渡电阻、CT饱和、线路分布电容的影响,测距精度高。

    Compared with conventional fault location based on fundamental components , traveling-wave based fault location is more accurate and not apt to be affected by transition resistor , fault type , distributed capacitance , bus configuration and CT saturation , etc.

  16. 煤矿35kV配电线路行波故障测距技术

    Fault locating of 35 kV transmission lines in coalmine based on traveling waves

  17. 提出一种新的基于相量测量单元(PMU)的输电线路故障测距的自适应算法。

    A new adaptive fault location algorithm based on phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) for transmission line is presented in this paper .

  18. 首先分析利用输电线两端电气量进行故障测距的可行性,然后提出双端量测距的基本算法,最后给出基于GPS的双端量测距的初步方案。

    This paper analyses the feasibility of fault location using two terminal quantity at first , then gives the basic fault location algorithm , and at last presents the primary scheme of GPS based two terminal quantity fault location .

  19. 该系统集成了现代D型和A型2种行波故障测距原理,并且包含3个不同的组成部分:行波采集与处理系统、通信网络和PC主站。

    The presented system incorporates modern Type A and Type D traveling wave based fault location principles , and is composed of three different parts : traveling wave data acquisition and processing system , communication network and PC based master station .

  20. 大量的电势暂态程度(EMTP)仿真测试表明:该方法的故障测距精度高、综合性能好、适应性强。

    Results from theory analysis and simulation by Electro magnetic Transient Program ( EMTP ) show that fault location precision of this method can completely satisfy practical requirements .

  21. 文中指出了传统的脉冲电流测试法(ICE)电缆故障测距存在误差的原因,提出了电感式脉冲电流测试法(IICE)。

    The error for cable fault location using the traditional impulse current experimentation ( ICE ) is analyzed . A new type of so called inductance ICE ( IICE ) is further presented .

  22. 可见,对于含有串补元件的故障测距,主要原因不在于串补电容,而在于MOV的动作特性。

    It can be seen , contains a series compensation component fault location , the main reason is that the series capacitor compensation , but rather the operating characteristics of the MOV .

  23. 根据配电网多相故障测距研究中存在的问题,创造性地提出以特征频带测度矢量的多级分布式神经网络测距模型:首级为过渡电阻检测NN模型;

    Based on existing problems of studies about multi-phase fault location in distribution systems , multilevel distributed neural network ( NN ) locating model with the basis of feature band measure vector is creatively proposed : first level is NN model for solving fault resistance value ;

  24. 理论分析及大量的EMTP仿真结果表明:本文所提出的小波模糊神经网络理论、模型及算法具有较好的故障测距性能,并可应用于电力系统的故障分析。

    Theoretical analysis and the results from a large amount of simulations by EMTP show that the proposed theory of wavelet fuzzy neural network , its algorithm and models possess better performance of fault location , besides , this method can also be applied to power system fault analysis .

  25. 针对单端测距信息的模糊性,首次把模糊逻辑系统(FLS)引入到故障测距中,提出了基于模糊逻辑系统的工频单端测距新方法。

    In reference to the fuzziness existing in single-terminal fault location , Fuzzy Logic System ( FLS ) is introduced to the fault location for the first time , and a new method for single-terminal location with power frequency is put forward based on the FLS .

  26. 双正交小波在行波故障测距中的应用

    Application of Traveling Wave Fault Location by Bi - orthogonality Wavelet

  27. 单端工频电气量故障测距算法的鲁棒性

    Robustness of one-terminal fault location algorithms based on power frequency quality

  28. 电力传输线路单端故障测距新算法

    A New Algorithm of Single-terminal Fault Distance Measurement of Transmission Line

  29. 基于相量测量的输电线路故障测距新算法

    A new phasor measurement based fault location algorithm for transmission lines

  30. 电力牵引网数字式保护及故障测距综合微机系统

    A Microcomputer-Based protection and Fault Locating System for AC Traction Networks