
  • 网络Life Stories;Story life
  1. 这些故事涵盖人生的很多方面。

    These stories cover so many areas of life .

  2. 我是伊索,是安徒生,用一个个奇妙的故事揭示人生的真谛;

    I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen revealing truth through countless stories .

  3. 幽默故事给人生带来欢笑,见出巴渠人的机智聪颖和乐观风趣。

    Humorous stories bring laughter to people and reveal the folks ' resource and optimism .

  4. 故事·人生·历史意识&由《长恨歌》看王安忆的人生感怀与历史意识

    Story · Life · Historical consciousness & Probe into Wang Anyi 's life experience and historical consciousness from the novel of Chang Henge

  5. 不管安徒生喜不喜欢,千千万万的儿童和大人会对他的故事给人生带来的魔力永远满怀感激。

    Whether he would have liked it or not , millions of children and adults will always be grateful for the magic his stories have brought to their lives .

  6. 词典故事表现了人生百态,认为瓷枕工艺的进步推动民俗文化的发展,形意美的统一丰富民俗文化的内涵。

    The conclusion is that the process progress of the procelain pillow promoted the development of folk custom culture , and the unify of shape and significance enriched the connotation of folk custom culture .

  7. 《音乐·故事》琴系人生使用混合杆柱时抽油泵柱塞的超冲程

    Stroke of plunger on subsurface pump system with compound rod string

  8. 《音乐·故事》琴系人生张弦桁架施工阶段平面外稳定性研究

    Study on Out - of-plane Stability of Truss String Structure During Construction

  9. 我国各民族幻想故事中蕴含的人生理想

    Idealism Embodied in the Folktales of the Chinese Nationalities

  10. 二大学校园是一座美丽的象牙塔,在这里发生的每一个故事都将成为人生旅途中的宝贵财富。

    University campus is a beautiful ivory tower , where every occurrence of a life story of the journey will be a treasure .

  11. Braddock的故事不仅仅是一个拳击手的故事,他的人生起伏和救赎之梦暗示了美国的国家希望。

    Braddocks true story is about more than boxing ; his rise , fall , and dream of redemption mirrored the whole nations hopes .

  12. 在某种程度上,很多人会按着这些故事的发展轨迹来生活,却没有意识到这些源远流长的故事可能对我们人生的塑造起着如此大的作用。

    To some degree , many live out these stories , largely unaware of how much the old tales may be shaping our lives .