
  • 网络fault monitoring;Fault detection
  1. 基于PCA的重油分馏塔故障监测与诊断分析

    PCA-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis with Application to Heavy Oil Fractionator

  2. 对系统硬件设计的DSP3.3V电源的获取、电压电流采样模块、IGBT驱动、一般I/O信号的处理、故障监测和串口通信电路进行了研究分析。

    The overall hardware design scheme is performed , such as DSP 3 . 3V power , voltage and current sampling module , IGBT driving circuit , I / O signal processor , fault detection module and COM circuit etc.

  3. 网络故障监测中多智能Agent模型的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Intelligent Multi-Agent Mold in Network Fault Detecting

  4. 基于多Agent的分布式通信设备智能实时故障监测系统

    Distributed Real-time Intelligent Fault Monitoring System Based on Multi-Agent Used in Communications Equipment

  5. IP网络故障监测系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of IP Network Fault Inspecting System

  6. 用PLC对晶闸管整流装置的故障监测

    Monitoring the Fault of the Thyristor Rectifying Device by PLC

  7. MEMS技术在变压器故障监测中应用研究

    Application research of MEMS technology in transformer fault monitoring

  8. 基于VB的OPC技术在电机故障监测中的应用

    Application of OPC technique on generator fault monitoring based on VB

  9. UHV变压器故障监测与诊断的信息决策平台

    Study on Decision-making Platform of UHV Transformer Fault Inspection and Diagnosis

  10. FMS系统中的实时故障监测与系统评价

    Real Time Fault Monitoring and System Evaluating in FMS

  11. 基于MSP430的滚动轴承故障监测系统

    Fault Monitoring System for Rolling Bearing Based on MSP430

  12. 烟气轮机的SOM网络故障监测与诊断专家系统应用研究

    The SOM network expert system application of stock gas turbine for monitoring and fault diagnosis

  13. OTN故障监测与APS信令传递机制

    Fault monitoring and APS signaling convection mechanism in OTN

  14. 该系统通过设置针对不同对象的代理监测技术实现了对系统的数据库服务、Web服务、电子邮件服务、文件共享服务等服务程序以及硬件资源的故障监测。

    By using the different agents , HA implements the functions as follows : monitoring the status of the data base services , Web services , Email services and file sharing services , detecting the hardware failures .

  15. 基于现场总线ARCNET的远程故障监测管理系统

    Remote Failure Monitoring and Management System Based on Field Bus ARCNET

  16. 滑动模型MPCA在非线性系统故障监测与诊断中的应用

    Slide-model MPCA approach with applications in fault detecting of multivariable nonlinear process

  17. 本文主要提出了一种基于公用电话网络(PSTN)的罐身电阻焊机远程故障监测系统,并详细论述了其开发过程。

    This thesis presents the development of a PSTN-based remote Diagnosis Inspect System for the Can-body Resistance Welding Machine ( CRWM ) .

  18. 多模型MPCA方法在多变量间歇过程故障监测与诊断中的应用

    Multi-model MPCA with Applications in the Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Multivariable Control System

  19. 由于转速传感器是汽车防滑刹车控制系统(ABS)的基本组成部分,因此该观测器可与ABS结合工作,低成本的实现轮胎故障监测。

    Since the wheel speed sensor is a basic component of normal anti-lock brake system ( ABS ), the observer proposed could be easily realized in low cost within the anti-lock brake system .

  20. 以某通信系统为例,介绍了基于Multi-Agent的分布式通信设备的远程智能故障监测系统,并对一些关键问题和实现技术进行了讨论。

    With a complex communications equipment as example , this paper introduces how to construct a distributed real-time intelligent fault monitoring system based on multi-agent . Some key issues and implementation techniques are discussed .

  21. RELAX是一种对加性噪声以及系统误差假设可松弛的算法,提出了一种基于该算法的鼠笼式异步电动机转子故障监测与诊断方法。

    The relax algorithms is a kind of relaxant data processing algorithms for additive noises and system errors . A new approach based on relax algorithms for fault diagnosis and monitoring in SCIM is proposed .

  22. 文章描述了基于网络监听技术信息转换系统的设计与实现,并以SDH综合故障监测系统为例,说明了这种方法的有效性。

    This paper addresses the design and realization of information transfer system based on network monitoring technology , and through an example of SDH synthetic fault supervision system , explains that this approach is valid .

  23. 通过对TE(TennesseeEastman)过程和裂解气压缩机的仿真研究,验证了该算法是可行、有效的,具有一定的故障监测能力。

    The simulations to Tennessee Eastman ( TE ) process and the cracked gas compressor verify that the algorithm is effective and has better fault monitoring capability than previous methods .

  24. ZL-50A型装载机故障监测机理的研究

    Research on the Fault Monitors Principal of the ZL-50A Style Loader

  25. NJG型给煤机称重传感器的在线故障监测

    On - line Fault Monitoring of Weighing Transducer of NJG Feeder

  26. 简要阐述了用PES传输太原&长治自动转报数据的传输方案,系统故障监测方法,传输性能及应注意的事项。

    This paper expounds briefly the scheme of transferring the auto-converted-reported data of Taiyuan - Changzhi with PES , the system fault monitoring methods , transferring characteristics and some problems needing attention .

  27. 本文以简单网络管理协议(SNMP)和IETF的RFC等为基础,深入研究了IP网络故障监测的方法,给出了IP网络故障监测软件系统的体系结构和实现。

    This thesis aims at deep research of IP network fault inspecting methed based on simple network management protocol ( SNMP ) and IETF 's RFC . A distributed inspecting system with such function is provided . Some items will be discussed here .

  28. 稀土溶剂萃取分离过程的故障监测与诊断专家系统REMD

    REMD & An Fault Monitor and Diagnosis Expert System for Rare Earth Solvent Extraction Process

  29. 多向主元分析(MPCA)是应用于间歇生产过程故障监测与诊断中的一种较为有效的方法,但由于其自身的线性化特点,使之在复杂的非线性动态系统处理中显得力不从心。

    Multiway Principal Component Analysis ( MPCA ) is an effective method for batch process monitoring and fault diagnosis , but it could not monitor the nonlinear and dynamic system efficiently .

  30. 在分析了Altera公司的在系统可编程逻辑器件的结构和编程原理的基础上,介绍了ISP技术及EPLD在机车故障监测记录系统中的应用,并对设计中的一些问题进行了讨论。

    On the basis of analyzing structure and programming principle of ISP logic device of Altera Co. , this paper introduces the application of EDA technique and EPLD in fault detect system and discusses some related questions .