
gù dū
  • ancient capital;onetime capital;former capital
故都 [gù dū]
  • [former capital;ancient capital] 以前的国都

  • 国无人莫我知兮,不何怀乎故都。--《楚辞.屈原.离骚》

故都[gù dū]
  1. 在故都的某个雪天里,突然想到老家江南的蓑衣来了。

    On a snowy day in the onetime capital , the coir raincoat of my hometown in the south occurred to me .

  2. 昨天我到故都阿犹他亚玩了一天。

    Yesterday I took a day trip to Ayuthaya , the former capital .

  3. 高阳县传为颛顼故都,八才旧里。

    Biography for Zhuanxu Gaoyang ancient capital , only eight years old .

  4. 赣州是红色故都、共和国的摇篮。

    Ganzhou is former red capital , the cradle of the Peple 's Republic .

  5. 元上都:故都的记忆

    Memory of Onetime Capital of Yuan Dynasty

  6. 瑞金是响誉中外的红色故都、共和国摇篮。

    RuiJin is world-renowned " ancient capital of red revolution " and the cradle of republic .

  7. 发现地是河南省安阳,那里是当年殷商的故都。

    The discovery occurred in anyang , Henan Province , which was the capital city of the Shang Dynasty .

  8. 从新英格兰到六朝故都:一个现代知识群体的聚散&以《吴宓日记》为中心的描述

    From New England to Nanjing : A Historical Account of a Modern Intellectual Group with a Focus on Wu-Mi Diary

  9. 然而,地方州郡兵应属于中、外军中的“外军”,故都督将军所统之兵含中央驻屯军和地方州郡兵。

    Through dialectical proof , this paper regards the local-stated soldiers belong to " outside soldiers " among the governmental and local-stated soldiers .

  10. 几百年来,维也纳一直都是欧洲的帝国之都。也是具有深远影响的强大的哈布斯堡家族的故都。

    For hundreds of years , it has been an imperial capital of Europe , home to the powerful Hapsburg Empire , which spread its influence far and wide .

  11. 周秦汉唐故都的身份给了西安的不仅是辉煌的昨天,还有对今天以及未来的无限憧憬。

    ZHOU Qin Han to the Tang Dynasty as the ancient capital of Xi ' an is not only the glory of yesterday , but also for today and the future vision .

  12. 我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。

    To enjoy its atmosphere to the full in the onetime capital , I have , therefore , made light of traveling a long distance from Hangzhou to qingdao , and thence to peiping .

  13. 小说最后写成这样,始料未及,我本来想写一部纪实体小说,写一部故都南京的一九三七年的编年史,结果大大出乎意外。

    The novel was finally written in this way , unexpected , I had wanted to write a documentary body of fiction , ancient capital of Nanjing in1937 to write a chronicle , a significant surprising results .

  14. 楚汉文化是体现徐州城市文化品格的核心内容,其品牌内涵为“彭祖故国、刘邦故里、项羽故都”。

    Chu-han culture is the key to urban culture in Xuzhou , the state of Peng Zu , the hometown of Liu Bang and the capital of Xiang Yu , and the connotation to Chuhan culture brand in Xuzhou .

  15. 他们先后攻占大泽乡、蕲县,在攻下楚的故都陈县(今河南淮阳)时,已有战士数万人。

    The insurgent army captured Daze Township and Qi County successively . When they took Chen County , the old capital of the state Chu ( present Huaiyang , Henan ) , the number of the forces had reached up to tens of thousands .