
  • 网络Southeast Asian Art
  1. 尼尔逊-阿特金斯艺术馆南亚与东南亚艺术策展人金伯利·马斯特勒(KimberlyMasteller)说:“有很多看上去很年轻的代理人在中国寻找画廊、经销商和买家,这让我感到惊讶。”

    Kimberly Masteller , curator of South and Southeast Asia art at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City , said , " I have been amazed by how many young-looking agents there are , scouting for galleries , dealers and buyers in China . "

  2. 明年,新加坡美术馆将和海外机构合作,把东南亚艺术放在全球语境之下。

    Over the next year , the National Gallery Singapore will be working with overseas institutions to put Southeast Asian art into a global context .

  3. 考古学家已经确认有些艺术作品至少创建于4万年前,因此东南亚洞穴人类艺术作品存在历史与欧洲一样久远。

    Archaeologists have determined that some of the art was created at least 40,000 years ago , so that human cave art existed in Southeast Asia as long ago as in Europe .

  4. 契里柯所叙述的前半部似乎类同万物有灵论的论调,经常出现在东南亚的信仰和艺术当中。

    The first part of the above quote is like a description of animism , the belief that everything in the world has a spirit .