
  • 网络Tokyo Park;tokyo koen;Tokyo Kouen
  1. 人们可以在一些地方看到日本社会发生的可喜的变化,东京的公园便是这些场所之一。

    Tokyo 's parks are one of the places where the changes underway in Japanese society are visible and laudable .

  2. 此外,公园还被出口了;东京迪斯尼公园和欧洲迪斯尼公园每年吸引了上百万人。

    In addition , the parks have been exported : both the Tokyo Disneyland and Euro Disney attract millions of people a year .

  3. 1905年李东渡日本留学,考入位于东京上野公园内的东京美术学校,该学校的特色专业是西方油画和音乐。

    In1905 Li went to Japan to study at Tokyo School of Fine Art in Ueno Park where it specialized in Western painting and music .

  4. 本月初,日本出现了自1945年以来的第一个登革热病例,1945年的爆发与东京代代木公园中的蚊子有关,至少有70人被感染。

    Earlier this month , Japan saw its first dengue cases since 1945 , when at least 70 people fell ill in an outbreak connected to mosquitoes in Yoyogi Park in Tokyo .

  5. 在东京的代代木公园里,人们预订到最佳的赏樱地点不惜等上好几个小时。

    At Tokyo 's Yoyogi Park , people waited for hours to reserve the best spots to view the picturesque trees .

  6. 东京一座公园的上空涌动着绵绵爱意,因为平时成熟稳重的日本丈夫聚集到一起,对妻子大声喊出了心里的爱意,表达感激,还纷纷献上拥抱。

    Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbands gathered to scream out their feelings for their wives , promising gratitude and extra tight hugs .

  7. 经过和世界上其他五家迪士尼主题公园相比我们发现,香港迪士尼的16岁至64岁的成人当日票票价为539港币(折合69.2美元),而东京的主题公园售价则是6900日元(折合58美元)

    In comparison with the other five Disney parks around the world , a one-Day ticket for the Hong Kong Disney costs 539 Hong Kong dollars ( $ 69.2 ) for adults aged 16 to 64 years old , while that for the theme park in Tokyo is being sold at 6900 yen ( $ 58 ) .