
  1. 仲刚在《东方早报》上的言辞则更为强硬。

    Zhong had stronger words for the Oriental Morning Post .

  2. 从传播效果上看,东方早报等新主流媒体的舆论引导创新获得了社会各界的认可。

    According to the communication effects , Oriental Morning Post has gained social recognition in innovatively guiding public opinion .

  3. 《东方早报》援引姜伟新在一次全国工作会议上的讲话表示,尽管有早期迹象显示房地市场回暖,但市场的下行还将持续。

    The Oriental Morning Post cited Jiang Weixin as telling a national work conference that the property market would continue to fall despite some early signs of a recovery .

  4. 楼房开始滞销。根据本地报纸《东方早报》的报道,上海5月份楼房销售平米数比去年同期下降50%。

    In Shanghai , sales volume in terms of square metres was50 % lower in May than a year ago , according to the Oriental Morning Post , a local newspaper .

  5. 同济大学团委书记杨元飞在接受《东方早报》采访时表示,大学生志愿者们将有机会补上缺失的课程及作业。

    Yang Yuanfei , the head of the Tongji University Youth League , told Oriental Morning Post that volunteers will be given opportunities to make up the classes and assignments that they miss .