
  • 网络Hay;Hai;Ojai;Hayy
  1. 克莱斯勒汽车公司前领袖LeeIacocca在利哈伊大学学的是历史。

    Lee Iacocca , former head of Chrysler Motor Company , studied history at Lehigh University .

  2. 宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊大学的StephenThode表示,除非就业市场有所改善,否则房产市场取得的进展始终有限。

    Stephen Thode at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania says progress in the housing market will be limited until the job market gets better .

  3. 第二天早上,他恢复了精神,穿着一件印有录取了他的第四志愿学校——利哈伊大学(LehighUniversity)——校名的运动衫出了门。

    The following morning , he rallied and left the house wearing a sweatshirt with the name of the school that had been his fourth choice and had accepted him : Lehigh University .

  4. 在哈伊高速兴隆出口5km处,选择了长约500米的长直路段,按照国家标准建造了钢筋混凝土基础。

    Booming exports of high-speed 5km in Hay Branch , selected about 500 meters long section of straight road , construct the reinforced concrete foundation according to national standards .

  5. 利物浦今天确认,签下了苏索和亚当哈伊度两名年轻球员。

    Liverpool have today confirmed a double deal for youngsters Suso and Adam Hajdu .

  6. 在宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊峡谷铁路风景区,在十月周末提供两个半小时的家乡高桥游览。

    The Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway in Pennsylvania offers two-and-a-half-hour Hometown High Bridge excursions on weekends in October .