
  • 网络HUDSON;Hud;hard
  1. 多米尼克要信号覆盖范围从东河到哈德孙河。

    Dominic wants signal from the East River to the Hudson .

  2. 我是哈德生先生,311号房,请问有没有我的留言?

    This is Mr. Hudson in room 311 . Are there any messages for me ?

  3. 阿提哈德航空每周有24个航班往返于阿布扎比和澳大利亚。阿布扎比位于波斯湾(PersianGulf)。

    Etihad operates 24 flights a week between Abu Dhabi in the Persian Gulf and Australia .

  4. 法尔哈德•芒戈在时政电子杂志Slate撰文称,Google+现在只是苟延残喘,命不久矣。

    Over at slate , writer Farhad mango makes the bold statement that Google + is livingon borrowed time .

  5. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,这项交易使阿提哈德航空公司得以在欧洲市场立足。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the deal gives Etihad a foothold in European markets .

  6. 上个月,达美航空(DeltaAirLines)首席执行官理查德•安德森(RichardAnderson)指责阿联酋航空(Emirates)、阿提哈德航空(EtihadAirways)以及卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)接受政府补贴。

    Last month , Richard Anderson , Delta Air Lines " chief executive , accused Emirates , Etihad and Qatar Airways of receiving state subsidies .

  7. 在梅尔像完美骑士加拉哈德爵士(SirGalahad)一样冲向小费这堵防守严密的墙壁时,很多餐厅老板会站在墙后观望。

    As he launches himself like Sir Galahad at this heavily defended wall , a great many restaurateurs are going to be looking on from behind the parapet .

  8. 有些企业很快便成为家喻户晓的品牌:阿布扎比的阿提哈德航空(etihadairways)成立仅5年,但服务已经涉及全球45个目的地。

    Some have quickly become household names : Etihad Airways of Abu Dhabi started only five years ago but already serves 45 global destinations .

  9. 照片中的种马是由已故埃伯哈德Sprandel拥有。

    The stallion in the photograph is owned by the late Eberhard Sprandel .

  10. 每周六,《纽约时报》科技记者法哈德•曼朱(FarhadManjoo)和迈克•艾萨克(MikeIsaac)都会回顾一周的新闻,分析最重要的产业动态、或许开一两个玩笑。

    Each Saturday , Farhad Manjoo and Mike Isaac , technology reporters at The New York Times , review the week 's news , offering analysis and maybe a joke or two about the most important developments in the tech industry .

  11. 哈德油田油层具有埋藏深(5100m左右)、油层薄的特点。

    Oil reservoir of Hade oilfield features in deep burying depth ( 5100 m ) and thin pay zone ( 0.6 ~ 2.1 m ) .

  12. 掌管F6体育投资公司的沙特亲王法赛尔-本-法哈德-本-阿卜杜拉声称已经和吉列开始了以审查利物浦俱乐部帐目为开端的实际接触。

    Sports investment firm F6 , which is chaired by Saudi prince Faisal bin Fahd bin Abdullah , has said that it had signed a deal with Gillett to begin the process of examining Liverpool 's accounts .

  13. 塔里木哈德地区石炭系地层深度为5005-5015m,两个油层厚度均为1-2m,属低压、低渗透油气藏。

    Reservoirs in the carboniferous system of 5005-5015 m in Hade area of Tarim are low pressured and low permeable , with oil bearing thickness of 1-2 m.

  14. 第三,哈德论战界定了法律与道德问题。

    Thirdly , the debate defined the legal and moral issues .

  15. 伏尔哈德法测定氯离子的介质研究

    Studies on Medium Used in Volhard Method for Determination of Chloride Ion

  16. 哈德地区长裸眼双台阶水平井钻井液技术

    Drilling fluid technology of two-step horizontal well in the long-open hole of Tarim

  17. 即使是康柏也有关于古怪的埃克哈德·帕非佛的笑话。

    Even Compaq has the odd Eckhard Pfeiffer joke .

  18. 哈德瑞克什缺席多长时间了?

    Hendrickson has been off for how long now ?

  19. 但这一伟业由他的儿子加拉哈德完成了。

    But his son , Sir Galahad , did .

  20. 我该帮哈德先生修剪下他的榆树了

    I ought to trim Mrs. Hardy 's elm .

  21. 后来,有人告诉我,莱因哈德实际上是一个德国名字。

    Afterwards , somebody told me that Reinhard is actually a German name .

  22. 瑞士联邦总统多丽丝•洛伊特哈德

    Mrs Doris Leuthard , Federal President of Switzerland

  23. 哈德码变换域等均值等方差最近邻矢量量化码字搜索算法

    Equal - Average Equal - Variance Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm Based on Hadamard Transform

  24. 莱茵哈德还会回到山里去。

    Reinhard will head back into the mountains .

  25. 一种新颖的基于哈德码变换的码字搜索算法

    Novel codeword search algorithm based on Hadamard transform

  26. 哈萨克斯坦哈德油田低压易漏层防气窜固井工艺

    Gas proof cementing technology in low pressure mud loss layer in Hade Oilfield of Kazakhstan

  27. 哈德福特162型加料机的使用

    Application of Hartford - 162 Batch Charger

  28. 加拉哈德爵士是圆桌骑士中最纯洁高尚的一个。

    Sir Galahad was the noblest and purest of the Knights of the Round Table .

  29. 一次热病,只有几天的时间,就把爱弗哈德爵士送回老家去了。

    A fever , in a few days , brought Sir Everhard to his long home .

  30. 飞机迫降哈德孙河;

    Airplane crash-lands into Hudson River ;