
  • 网络Stubbs;Una Stubbs;George Stubbs
  1. 我向来不给杂志写信,但是斯塔布斯先生最后做得太过火了。

    I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line

  2. 斯塔布斯出生于赫特福德郡,起初是一名舞蹈演员。上世纪60年代,她与克利夫·理查德一起出演电影《夏日假期》,后来又参演影片《精彩生活》和《给丽莎的三顶帽子》,因此一举成名。

    Stubbs , who was born in Hertfordshire and started out as a dancer , rose to fame in the 1960s when she starred alongside Cliff Richard in Summer Holiday , and appeared in the films Swingers ’ Paradise and Three Hats for Lisa .

  3. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。尤娜·斯塔布斯逝世后,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇表示悼念,他说:

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  4. 斯塔布斯的家人告诉英国广播公司新闻频道,她已经生病好几个月了。

    They told BBC News she had been ill for several months .

  5. 斯塔布斯的儿子乔·汉森、克里斯蒂安·汉森和杰森·吉尔摩在一份声明中称:“母亲今天在家人的陪伴下在爱丁堡安详地辞世。在这个最艰难和悲伤的时刻,我们恳请大家尊重隐私,给予理解。”

    In a statement , her sons Joe and Christian Henson and Jason Gilmore said : “ Mum passed away quietly today with her family around her , in Edinburgh . We ask for privacy and understanding at this most difficult and sad of times . ”

  6. 约翰-麦克尼克尔,Les斯塔布斯,斯坦-维克斯,PeterSillett都来自低级别的联赛。

    John McNicholl , Les Stubbs , Stan Wicks and Peter Sillett all arrived from he lower leagues .

  7. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady of 221B and 221C Baker Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  8. 斯塔布斯就是写小册子的人。

    This fellow Stubbs is the one who wrote the pamphlet .

  9. 2013年,海瑟和斯塔布斯决心改变这种局面。

    In 2013 , Hesser and Stubbs decided to change that .

  10. 斯塔布斯小姐:很抱歉你觉得我已经死了。

    Miss Stubbs : I 'm sorry you think I 'm dead .

  11. 这风景画是斯塔布斯?

    This landscape , is it a stubbs ?

  12. 斯塔布斯小姐:进来,我没期望会再见到你。

    Miss Stubbs : Come in . I didn 't expect to see you again .

  13. 斯塔布斯小姐:你喜欢他吗?珍妮:喜欢,依然喜欢。

    Miss Stubbs : Do you like him ? Jenny : I do . Still .

  14. 斯塔布斯小姐:我觉得你应该赶紧去上你的下一堂课。

    Miss Stubbs : I think , you 'd better get to your next class .

  15. 斯塔布斯小姐:你真客气,可是我不能接受。

    Miss Stubbs : That 's very kind of you . But I can 't accept it .

  16. 一只叫做斯塔布斯的猫咪在美国阿拉斯加的塔尔基特纳当了十五年的市长!

    A cat called Mayor Stubbs is celebrating 15 years in charge of the town of Talkeetna , Alaska .

  17. 珍妮:是老了,却不怎么睿智,斯塔布斯女士,我需要你的帮助。

    Jenny : I feel old . But not very wise . Ms. Stubbs , I need your help .

  18. 回来时他传达主人的命令,斯塔布斯先生同那个年轻妇人立即到书斋去。

    He returned with an order that Mr. Stubbs and the young woman should be instantly ushered up to the library .

  19. 几年前,当地市民因不喜欢当时的市长候选人,而集体选择斯塔布斯作为市长候选人。

    Residents didn 't like the mayoral candidates years ago , so they encouraged enough people to elect Stubbs as a write-in candidate .

  20. 猫市长斯塔布斯的主人劳里-斯特克说:斯塔布斯(被狗咬后)胸骨断裂,肺部受到刺伤,并进行了3个多小时的手术。

    Owner Lauri Stec says that Stubbs suffered a fractured sternum and a punctured lung , and already has undergone three hours of surgery .

  21. 15年前,市民们对于市长的候选人都不满意,半开玩笑地选了刚出生的斯塔布斯,不想它上台之后“执政”至今。

    Stubbs was elected mayor as a joke by the town 's 900 residents just after he was born , and has been in charge ever since .

  22. 斯塔布斯小姐:我希望你无论如何都要上牛津大学,因为如果你不去的话,我会很伤心的。

    Miss Stubbs : I 'm telling you to go to Oxford , no matter what . Because if you don 't , you 'll break my heart .

  23. 珍妮:你也很聪明很漂亮啊,想必聪明的斯塔布斯小姐胜利了吧,所以你现在只能在这读那些空洞的作文。

    Jenny : Well , you 're clever and you 're pretty . So , Clever Miss Stubbs won . And here you are with your pony essays .

  24. 猫市长斯塔布斯目前正在瓦西拉市的兽医院慢慢康复。周六晚上,猫市长在德纳里国家公园附近古怪的游客区被恶狗咬伤。

    Mayor Stubbs the cat is recovering at a veterinarian 's office in Wasilla after being injured by a dog Saturday night in the quirky tourist town near Denali National Park .

  25. 斯塔布斯这么做是有原因的,她和康伯巴奇的妈妈万达?泛森是同时代的演员,康伯巴奇小时候她们还曾是邻居。

    But she has good reason : Stubbs is an acting contemporary of Cumberbatch 's mother Wanda Ventham , and used to live around the corner from her when Cumberbatch was a child .

  26. 剧中广为流传的“腐”段子让粉丝们浮想联翩。特别是房东哈德森太太(77岁的尤娜•斯塔布斯饰演)就经常提到这两人似乎超越友谊的亲密关系。

    It follows a running joke in the show which hints the pair might be closer than friends , especially by landlady Mrs Hudson , played by Una Stubbs , 77 , who often makes references to their sexuality .

  27. 斯塔布斯小姐:因为像你这样的人是我从众多只会抄袭、不知上进的学生中所发掘出的难得的好学生,但我知道这香水的来历,珍妮,如果我收下,我觉得那是对我们两人的背叛。

    Miss Stubbs : It 's because of people like you that I illiterate essays by Sandra Lovell about her pony . But I know where this came from , Jenny.And if I took it ... I 'll feel I would be betraying both of us .