
  • 网络snake;solid snake
  1. 大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。

    The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River .

  2. 现在他可能成功跨越斯内克河峡谷,但他真正的目标是飞跃美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河的大峡谷(GrandCanyon)。

    He might clear the Snake River now , but his real aim was to leap the Grand Canyon .

  3. 斯内克:你究竟在说什么,施奈德?

    Snake : What are you saying , Schneider ?

  4. 确实,大首领让斯内克了解到他正在经历的新的自由。

    Indeed , Big Boss lets Snake know of the new liberty that he can now experience .

  5. 黑忍者:斯内克,在你摧毁潜龙谍影之后,北约向世外天国发动了大规模轰炸作战。

    Black Ninja : * Snake , after you destroyed Metal Gear , NATO launched a massive bombing campaign against Outer Heaven .

  6. 只不过,斯内克是在谈论个体主义,而大首领不过是在为其所控制的这一批人而演讲。

    However , while Snake is talking about individualism , Big Boss is merely speaking for the collective that he is controlling .

  7. 斯内克:施奈德?你不是那个世外天国抵抗部队的那个人么!可是,我以为已经他们杀了你!

    Snake : Schneider ? * You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven ! But * I thought they killed you !

  8. 自20世纪30年代起,美国陆军工程师团建设并运行哥伦比亚河及斯内克河下游的8座梯级水电站,这些水电站通过各种工程措施维持鱼类洄游通道。

    Since 1930s the US Army Corps of Engineers has built and operated a string of 8 hydropower stations along the lower Columbia and Snake River and adult and juvenile salmon passages are maintained with various measures .