
  • 网络Stockton;John Stockton
  1. 一些不堪入目的建议继续出现在斯托克顿警察局的Facebook官方页面上,也是在这里,这名重罪罪犯的照片在短短的24个小时内得到了超过两万个“赞”。

    The sordid suggestions also continue to appear on the Stockton police 's Facebook page , where the felon 's photo was liked more 20000 times in less than 24 hours .

  2. 一些不堪入目的建议继续出现在斯托克顿警察局的Facebook官方页面上,也是在这里,这名重罪罪犯的照片在短短的24个小时内得到了超过两万个赞。

    The sordid suggestions also continue to appear on the Stockton police 's Facebook page , where the felon 's photo was liked more 20,000 times in less than 24 hours .

  3. 出现这个问题最严重的地区是蒂斯河畔斯托克顿和斯托克城,在过去三年里,生活在那里的人们的平均寿命下降了九个多月。

    The problem emerges as worst in places like Stockton-on-Tees and Stoke-on-Trent , where life expectancy 's fallen more than nine months in the last three years .

  4. 来自蒂斯河畔斯托克顿(Stockton-on-Tees)的设计师克莱尔巴罗(ClaireBarrow)今年芳龄25,她于2013年推出了自己的同名品牌。

    Stockton-on-Tees designer Claire Barrow , 25 , launched her label in 2013 .

  5. 周三,斯托克顿市警察局的发言人约瑟夫席尔瓦警官将米克斯的入狱照上传至警局的Facebook主页,随后引发的入狱照热潮令席尔瓦警官感到非常地惊讶。

    Officer Joseph Silva , a spokesman for the Stockton Police Department , which sparked the mugshot craze Wednesday after sharing Meeks ' booking photo on its Facebook page , was surprise by the worldwide attention .

  6. 今年,市政借款人的坏消息不断,加州的斯托克顿(Stockton)和圣伯纳地诺(SanBernardino)等城市申请破产保护引发了更多的恐慌。

    Municipal borrowers have gotten a lot of bad press this year , with cities like Stockton and San Bernardino in California filing for bankruptcy protection , sparking fears of more to come .

  7. 对于斯托克顿来说,再小的缝隙他都能挤出空间传出击地球来。

    No space seemed too small for Stockton to squeeze a bouncepass .

  8. 约翰-斯托克顿是历史上最伟大的组织后卫之一。

    John Stockton is one of the greatest point guards of all time .

  9. 我们的第三个竞争者是来自斯托克顿的奈特先生。

    Our third contestant is Mr knight from stockton .

  10. 结伴去斯托克顿扎营了

    were herded to the camp in Stockton .

  11. 如果我们用约翰斯托克顿换下威廉姆斯,这场系列赛早就结束了。

    If we had Stockton right now instead of williams , this series would be over .

  12. 谷歌公司的神秘驳船从旧址旧金山搬到了加州的斯托克顿市。

    Google 's mysterious barge has moved from its old San Francisco home to Stockton , California .

  13. 展望东南由哥伦布街(左侧)和斯托克顿(右)。

    Looking south-east from Columbus Street ( on the left ) and Stockton ( on the right ) .

  14. 对于加利福尼亚的斯托克顿市这个小城市来说,为了摆脱破产耗去了两年多的时间。

    It took more than two years for a smaller city , Stockton , California , to get out of bankruptcy .

  15. 在谈到英国政府的议案时,斯托克顿表示:有一系列的问题需要考虑。

    There is a whole host of issues that need to be considered , says Ms Stockton about the government 's proposals .

  16. 这次出售的还包括位于肯塔基州欧文斯伯勒的一家加工及包装厂,以及位于加利福尼亚州斯托克顿的一家番茄加工厂。

    The sale also includes a sauce processing and packaging facility in Owensboro , Ky. , and a tomato processing facility in Stockton , Calif.

  17. 另外像加州的斯托克顿、蒙罗维亚、夫勒斯诺、猛犸湖等市镇也出现了严重的财政问题。

    And then there are the flurry of California municipalities experiencing trouble , like Stockton , Monrovia , Fresno , Mammoth Lakes , and so forth .

  18. 斯托克顿在19年生涯中一共只缺席了22场比赛——17个赛季中他做到了全勤(由于1998-99赛季停摆只出席50场)。

    Stockton missed a total of 22 games in his 19 years , playing every game - only 50 during the 1998-99 lockout season - in 17 different seasons .

  19. 虽然他不愿意详细说明米克斯涉嫌的犯罪情况,但席尔瓦警官称米克斯是“斯托克顿地区最狂暴的犯罪分子之一”。

    Silva called Meeks ' one of the most violent criminals in the Stockton area , " though he would not elaborate on the crimes that Meeks is believed to have committed .

  20. 斯托克顿与基德分列历史助攻榜前二,与这两位相比,保罗有个巨大的不足——生涯末期的健康状况不好。

    But one major difference between Paul and both Stockton and Kidd is that the men who rank first and second in NBA history in assists were remarkably durable deep into their careers .

  21. 德安东尼对于保罗拥有绝对的信心,相信他能够在奔四的年纪继续发光发热,如同当年的名人堂控卫纳什、约翰-斯托克顿和杰森-基德。

    D'Antoni expresses complete confidence that Paul can continue starring deep into his 30s , much like high-IQ Hall of Fame point guards of the past such as Nash , John Stockton and Jason Kidd .

  22. 埃文-特纳——其他值得考虑的二人组:乔丹/皮蓬,达米安-利拉德/CJ,麦克-勒姆,沙奎尔/科比,斯托克顿/马龙,沙奎尔/哈达威,斯卡拉布尼/保罗-皮尔斯,等。

    Evan Turner - Other duos to consider : Jordan / Pippen , Dame / CJ , IBJ / DWade , Shaq / Kobe , Stockton / Malone , Shaq / Penny , Scalabrine / Paul piece , etc.