
  • 网络sprint;Splinter;Sprint Nextel
  1. 中国电信(ChinaTelecom,一亿用户)、斯普林特(Sprint)(5200万用户)、德国电信美国公司(T-MobileUSA)(3300万用户)等都是现成的例子。

    Examples include China Telecom ( 100m subs ) , sprint ( 52m subs ) , and T-Mobile USA ( 33m subs ) .

  2. 而Palm的Pre手机迄今唯一一家无线网络运营商斯普林特(Sprint)则有一个“轻松全包”(SimplyEverything)计划,费用为99.99美元。

    Sprint , which is so far the only wireless carrier for Palm 's Pre , has a ' Simply Everything ' plan for $ 99.99 .

  3. 而且,据报道时任美国商务部部长的骆家辉致电斯普林特公司CEO丹•汉斯,表达了自己对国家安全的“深切担忧”。

    And Commerce Secretary Locke reportedly called CEO Dan Hesse to convey his " very deep concerns " about national security .

  4. 他2006年收购沃达丰日本(VodaphoneJapan)的交易与这次的斯普林特交易特别相似。

    His purchase of Vodaphone Japan in 2006 has particular parallels with the sprint deal .

  5. 像斯普林特一样,威瑞森公司也运营CDMA网络,不过不同的是威瑞森已经开始构建其LTE网络了。

    Like sprint , Verizon phones also run on CDMA networks , but unlike sprint , Verizon has already started building out LTE .

  6. 同时,据报道,本周四,谷歌会发布消息,介绍其与斯普林特公司(Sprint)合作开发近场通讯技术的一些新进展。

    Meanwhile tomorrow , Google will reportedly make an announcement of its own regarding new advancements in NFC with Sprint ( s ) .

  7. 斯普林特计划说服总统,支持按照贝尔实验室(BellLabs)等机构曾经采用的方式投入联邦研究经费。

    Splinter plans to encourage the president to support federal research along the lines of the type that used to be done by Bell Labs and its peers .

  8. 斯普林特(Sprint)打算继续提供无限制数据套餐,就算下一代iPhone将支持速度更快的4GLTE网络。

    Sprint ( s ) intends to keep offering unlimited data plans , even if the next iPhone ends up supporting faster fourth-generation LTE network speeds .

  9. 目前这项服务只支持某些类型的“Citi”万事达信用卡和谷歌预付费卡,手机则仅限于斯普林特(Sprint)的NexusS4G手机。

    Right now the service only works with certain Citi MasterCards and the Google Prepaid Card and on the Sprint Nexus S4G phone .

  10. 但就像斯普林特公司(Sprint)一样,Verizon使用的技术也不与欧洲的无线通讯网络兼容,不过它也有一两款双模手机,可以接入欧洲的无线通讯网。

    However , Verizon ( like Sprint ) uses a technology that isn 't compatible with European networks , though it has one or two phone models that include both technologies .

  11. 总部位于堪萨斯城的斯普林特公司是美国第三大无线运营商,曾希望以320亿美元的价格收购T-mobile公司。

    Kansas City based Sprint has been a distant No.3 among US wireless carriers and hoped to merge with T-mobile in a 32 billion dollar deal .

  12. 比如,华为的另外一个大客户是无线互联网提供商科维公司(Clearwire),而颇具讽刺意味的是,斯普林特公司在科维公司拥有多数股权。

    For instance , another large customer is internet wireless provider clearwire , which , ironically , is majority-owned by sprint .

  13. 一旦LTE技术变得无处不在,企业客户和个人客户也会想在他们的移动设备上享受类似宽带的网速,届时斯普林特将更难取得大的成功。

    If ( or more likely , when ) LTE becomes ubiquitous , it will be even harder for sprint to score big wins among enterprise customers as well as everyday consumers looking for broadband-like speeds on their mobile devices .

  14. 日本的软银集团(SoftBank)2012年收购了美国第3大无线运营商斯普林特(Sprint),还计划在下个月出价收购美国第四大运营商T-Mobile。

    Japan 's SoftBank , which acquired the No. 3 U.S. wireless carrier Sprint ( S ) in 2012 , is expected to make a bid for the No. 4 U.S. carrier , T-Mobile ( TMUS ), next month .

  15. 华为还从北电网络(Nortel)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等境况不佳的对手延揽了多名高级管理人员,主要是为了在美国创建大规模研发队伍,并把目标对准ATandT、Verizon以及斯普林特(Sprint)等主要运营商。

    It also hired a number of senior executives from ailing rivals such as Nortel and Motorola , in an effort to build a massive US research and development presence and specifically target leading carriers such as AT and T , Verizon and Sprint .

  16. 2002年,斯普林特公司和三洋公司发布了美国第一台内置摄像头的手机(SCP-5300)&公众为它而疯狂。

    In2002 , Sprint and Sanyo released the first American cell phone with a built-in camera , the SCP-5300 & and the public went crazy for it .

  17. 这么做的目的就是要绕过斯普林特公司。

    The aim is to cut Sprint out of the loop .

  18. 下面是一些好消息给你-斯普林特公司代表处。

    Here 's some great news to you – Sprint rep.

  19. 斯普林特告诫我们不能战斗。

    Splinter told us not to fight .

  20. 而家得宝,斯普林特·奈特斯尔及约翰迪尔也已经宣布更多的裁员。

    More job cuts have also been announced by Home Depot , Sprint Nextel and John Deere .

  21. 斯普林特公司声称其“既没有发现也没有人提交任何有明确日期的证据说明电话呼叫被转接了”。

    Sprint maintains that it " has neither found nor been presented with any evidence to date that calls have been diverted " .

  22. 但是仍要支付给苹果公司、微软公司、斯普林特公司以及威瑞森公司的总款项为7.5亿美元。

    But the overall commitment from others , including Apple , Microsoft , Sprint , and Verizon , totals $ 750m thus far .

  23. 今天,斯普林特公司发生重大变动,据KCUR成员站的佩吉·罗威报道,该公司的收购计划终止,同时首席执行官下台。

    A major shake-up at Sprint today as Peggy Lowe of member station KCUR reports a merge is off and the CEO is out .

  24. 这点时间还足够你错过一个电话。斯普林特公司的振铃周期——即打电话转入语音邮箱所需要等待的时间——是23秒。

    It 's also long enough to miss a phone call . Sprint 's ring cycle-the time the phone rings before going to voicemail-is 23seconds .

  25. 但在亚利桑那州共和党人、参议院乔恩•科尔的带领下,部分国会议员发起了一场“上书活动”,要求斯普林特公司拒绝华为的投标。

    But members of Congress , led by Sen. Jon Kyl , Republican from Arizona , launched a letter-writing campaign urging sprint not to include Huawei .

  26. 就在这家日本公司购入斯普林特70%股份之时,投资者正在纷纷撤离美国科技股。

    The Japanese firm now has a 70 % stake in a large chunk of the US tech landscape that , at first , had investors bolting from the scene .

  27. 斯普林特公司今天上午宣布,任命马塞洛·克劳雷为新任首席执行官,接替丹·黑塞,克劳雷是软银集团一家子公司的创始人,而斯普林特公司也隶属于软银集团。

    Sprint announced this morning that it has removed CEO Dan Hesse and replaced him with Marcelo Claure , who has the subsidiary of Sprint 's parent company , Softbank .

  28. 近年来,美国的无线业务已经成熟,这使得威瑞森、美国电话电报公司、斯普林特公司等运营商之间争夺彼此市场份额的战争日趋激烈。

    The U.S. wireless business has matured in recent years , leaving carriers like Verizon , AT & T Inc. and Sprint Corp. increasingly fighting to steal market share from one another .

  29. 希尔达·布劳尔在1998年曾经起诉斯普林特公司和她的竞争对手,但最后由于钱用光了而撤诉。她断言是那些电话猎手把她的“性感女郎”服务挤出了市场。

    Hilda Brauer , who protested that call-poachers had driven her " Sexy Girls " service out of business , brought a lawsuit against Sprint and her rivals in1998 , but dropped it when her money ran out .

  30. 据业内人士称,去年秋天,当斯普林特公司为升级网络进行招标时,华为公司开出的条件能让运营商在运行的第一年就可在目前成本的基础上节省8亿美元。

    Last fall when sprint Nextel solicited bids for a network upgrade , Huawei offered a deal that would have saved the carrier at least $ 800 million from its existing costs in its first year of operation alone , according to several industry sources .