
  • 网络etta
  1. 在最新录制的YouTube视频中,18岁的吴卓林和她30岁的女朋友安迪·奥特姆声称有关部门落井下石。

    In a new YouTube video , the 18-year-old and her Canadian girlfriend , Andi Autumn , 30 , claimed that authorities are making their problems worse .

  2. 吴卓林去年在Instagram上发帖宣布出柜,她的母亲是前“亚洲小姐”选美冠军吴绮莉。

    Etta Ng , whose mother is former Hong Kong beauty queen Elaine Ng , went public with her sexual orientation in an Instagram post last year .

  3. 驻香港的加拿大社交媒体明星安迪.奥特姆(30岁)还在Instagram一个帖子中透露,她和吴绮莉正在正式约会当中,他们完全支持吴卓林。

    Hong Kong-based Canadian social media star Andi Autumn , 30 , also revealed in an Instagram post that she and Ng are officially dating , and gave the teenager her full support .

  4. 据报道,成龙没有太多涉及吴卓林的生活。

    Chan did not have much involvement in Etta 's life , according to reports .

  5. 武术家、《尖峰时刻》明星成龙和中国选美冠军吴绮莉的女儿吴卓林宣布,她出柜了,并为自己是同性恋而自豪。

    Etta Ng , the estranged daughter of martial artist and " Rush Hour " star Jackie Chan and Chinese beauty queen Elaine Ng Yi-Lei , says she 's an out and proud lesbian .