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  1. 吴城天然碱矿溶采理论与实践

    Theory and practice of solution mining in Wucheng Trona Mine

  2. 吴城古城便是这一文明的政治、经济、文化中心。

    The ancient capital of Wucheng was the centre of the civilization .

  3. 吴城文化的社会形态与文明进程

    On the Civilization Course and Social Form of Wucheng Culture

  4. 江西吴城方言本字考

    Notes on Etymology in the Wucheng Dialect of Jiangxi Prov in ce

  5. 吴城水库除险加固设计实践

    The Ganger-eliminating and Reinforcing Design of the Wucheng Reservoir

  6. 吴城,是一座千年古镇,曾被称作“小南昌”;

    Wucheng is a1000-year-old town which was acclaimed as " small Nanchang " .

  7. 吴城方言与南昌方言同属赣语昌靖片。

    Both Wucheng dialect and Nanchang dialect belong to Chang-jing section of Gan dialect .

  8. 第三章语法,重点讨论吴城话的程度表达式。

    The third chapter Grammar mainly discusses the expression of the degree in Wucheng dialect .

  9. 河南吴城晚始新世的植物化石及其在植物学、古气候学上的意义

    Plant fossils of late Eocene from wucheng , henan and their significance in botany and Paleoclimatology

  10. 吴城文化研究

    A Study of Wucheng Culture

  11. 吴城水库汛期分为3个阶段:前汛期、主汛期和后汛期。

    WuCheng reservoir flood season has three periods : pre-flood period , main flood period and late flood period .

  12. 这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。

    They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress .

  13. 从语音方面考察吴城话与南昌话的主要差别是有学术价值的。

    A careful study of the major differences between Wucheng dialect and the Nanchang dialect from the pronunciation aspect is valuable academically .

  14. 桐柏吴城盆地五里堆组油页岩为棕黑色,质细而软,呈薄片状产出,平均含油率为6。

    The oil shale of Wulidui Formation in the Wucheng Basin , Tongbai occurs as brown-black , thin and soft slices with an average oil yield up to6 .

  15. 吴城剪纸艺人又结合本地资源,开发出夏布剪纸这一新品种,更彰显剪纸地方特色。

    Paper-cut artist Wu City , also in conjunction with local resources to develop the new varieties of grass cloth paper cutting , paper cutting has become more conspicuous local features .

  16. 有的专家指出,樟树吴城一带可能就是“吴文化”的发源地,“吴文化”是典型的南方农耕山地文化。

    Some experts pointed out that the area is probably the city of camphor Wu " Wu culture " cradle ," Wu culture " is a typical mountain farming culture of the South .

  17. 而樟树境内的“吴城”与春秋时期长江中下游的“吴国”,同属“吴”名,而在他们之间,或许就有着某种不解的亲缘。

    The camphor tree in the " Wu City " and the Spring and Autumn Period of the Yangtze River ," Wu ," belong to " Wu " name , and in between them , perhaps with some kind of puzzled relatives .