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  1. 第一章从总体上论述了辽代,元代的佛教状况以及表现出来的特点和问题。

    The first part explains the common states and the characteristics of the Buddhism in Liao dynasty and Yuan dynasty .

  2. 元代基督教研究佛教基本教义探析

    On Christianity during Yuan A Study of Buddhism 's Basic Doctrine

  3. 自元代以来,藏传佛教便通过与元朝政府之间的联系而传播到了蒙古草原。

    It had spread over Mongolia grasslands due to the rapports with the imperial government since Yuan Dynasty .

  4. 印度对于中国雕塑艺术的影响自佛教在两汉之际传入中国就开始了,经历千年的传承演变逐渐势微,至元代时,汉传佛教的雕塑艺术已然衰落。

    Indian influence has had an effect on Chinese sculpture since the time Buddhism was introduced to China during the Han Dynasty . After evolving for nearly a thousand years in China , the inland Buddhism sculpture artwork was on the decline as the Yuan Dynasty approached .