
tài shǎo
  • too little/few
  1. 这个政府想法很多但执行的却太少。

    The government is long on ideas but short on performance .

  2. 遗憾的是,这样的好运太少了。

    Unhappily , such good luck is rare .

  3. 使他懊恼的是,可用于这个项目的资金太少。

    What frustrates him is that there 's too little money to spend on the project .

  4. 餐车里的食品虽然量足够多,但花样太少。

    Food in the dining car was adequate , if uninspired .

  5. 在法庭讼案中,他们提出和解费数额太少。

    In court filings , they argued that the settlement was inadequate .

  6. 这个慈善机构得到的关注太少了,需要更多的帮助。

    It is a Cinderella of charities , and needs more help .

  7. 中央银行掌握的资金实在太少了。

    The resources at the central banks ' disposal are simply too puny .

  8. 监狱管理人员数量太少。

    Staffing levels in prisons are too low .

  9. 假日太少,而且间隔很长。

    Holidays are few and far between .

  10. 对于其他一些有益于社会,从道德上讲是值得赞扬的品行,却强调得太少了。

    They have laid much too little emphasis on other more socially useful kinds of ethically commendable conduct .

  11. 我不愿为他们工作,对非常费力的工作,他们给的钱太少了。

    I wouldn 't work for them ; they 're only paying chicken feed for a very demanding job .

  12. 在职的家长表示,他们感到压力大,很疲惫,总是匆匆忙忙,陪伴孩子、朋友和爱人的高质量时间实在是太少了。

    Working parents say they feel stressed , tired , rushed and short on quality time with their children , friends and partners .

  13. 这些数据一定会进一步激化关于是否应减少体育课的持续争论,因为学校正由于预算太少而为了生存苦苦挣扎。

    The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to survive on smaller budgets .

  14. 不幸的是,这太少、太晚了。

    Unfortunately , it 's too little , too late .

  15. 很多滚动条都很吝啬,给用户传递的信息太少

    Many scrollbars are quite parsimonious in doling out information to users .

  16. 威尔佛姆表示,一旦你和伴侣不再试图一起解决你们之间的问题,而是变得无动于衷,这说明你们对这段婚姻投入得太少。

    Wilform said once you and your partner stop trying to work through your issues together and instead become apathetic6 , it indicates a lack of investment in the relationship .

  17. 那个做官的人装着无可奈何的样子说:“天下不喜欢戴高帽子的人实在太少了啊!像老师您这样的又能有几个呢!”

    The official pretended he had no way out and said : " Very few people under heaven are like you who dislike being flattered4 or presented with tall hats . "

  18. 在就业率接近历史最高水平的形势下,该报告警示说,那些无视年长工作者的公司可能会面临劳动力和技能短缺,因为富有经验的员工离职后,可以接替其岗位的年轻候补人数太少。

    With the employment rate at a near-record high , the report warns that businesses that disregard older workers could face a labour and skill shortage - as experienced staff depart , leaving too few younger candidates to replace them .

  19. 系统内存太少,IP不能获得足够的内存分配给接口。

    Fatal Error : IP could not get enough memory to remember interface .

  20. 它激烈反对全盘纾困欧元区国家的计划,迫使欧盟(eu)一再采取“太少太迟”的行动。

    It has fiercely opposed fully rescuing eurozone countries , forcing the EU repeatedly to act too little too late .

  21. 如果表单中生成的字段太少,请禁用“CombineAdjacentLines/Labels”选项。

    Disable the " Combine Adjacent Lines / Labels " option if there are too few fields generated on the form .

  22. MS:大多数的开源产品在使用上都有很多限制,要么集群数量太少,没有提供数据分发功能、要么没有提供一个完整的平台。

    MS : Most open source offerings are far more limited in scope-either to smaller clusters , not offering data distribution , or not offering a complete platform .

  23. 美国零售商塔吉特(target)找到了他们,但两兄弟觉得josephjoseph产品种类太少,无法为一家这么大的连锁商店供货。

    Target , the US retailer , approached them but the brothers felt the Joseph Joseph range was too small to supply such a big chain .

  24. 纳恩指出,生果和蔬菜吃得太少,也是人类乳突病毒(HPVvirus)传染增进的部分缘故起因,而这种病毒也会导致子宫颈癌。

    Eating too little fruit and vegetables are also partly to blame for the growth of the HPV virus , which also causes cervical cancer , Nunn said .

  25. 鉴于苹果(apple)一贯为用户奉上满意的产品和服务,这只是一起人们把过多目光放在个人身上、而太少关注他所传递信息的事例吗?

    But given that Apple has consistently delivered on products and customer service , was this merely a case of focusing too much on the individual and too little on the message ?

  26. 巴菲特的长期合作伙伴查理芒格(CharlieMunger)认为,尝试效仿巴菲特的人实在太少了。

    Charlie Munger , his long-time partner , thinks that too few people try to mimic him .

  27. fsa不应出台更多没有必要的规定,但也不宜管得太少。

    The FSA should not be creating more red tape than is needed , but nor should it impose less than is necessary .

  28. 由于X一代的人数太少,难以填补婴儿潮一代退休(每天有10000人会达到65岁)所留下的空缺,所以许多千禧一代纷纷开始走上管理岗位。

    Since the number of Gen Xers is too small to fill all the corner offices vacated by retiring boomers who are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day many millennials like you are stepping into management jobs .

  29. 与“反馈太少”反模式相反,我常常发现团队天真地认为,当CI服务器做任何事情时,每个人都应该接到反馈(比如电子邮件)。

    As opposed to the anti-pattern of not receiving enough feedback , I often find teams who naively decide everyone should always receive anedback ( say , an e-mail ) every time a CI server does anything .

  30. 中国整合其航空货运业务是顺理成章的事,因为航空公司来自这部分业务的收入太少了,野村证券(NomuraSecurities)驻香港分析师黄建邦(JimmyWong)表示。

    It makes very logical sense for China to consolidate its air cargo operations because the airlines derive so little revenue from this business , said Jimmy Wong , an analyst at Nomura Securities in Hong Kong .