
  1. 泰山道教音乐是泰山文化的重要组成部分。

    The Mount Tai Taoist music is an important part of the Mount Tai culture .

  2. 并对采录音乐做音乐形态分析,从经韵曲与器乐曲两个方面进行分析,以总结泰山道教音乐之规律。

    In addition , the musical form of the collected and recorded music was analyzed from two aspects namely rhythmic music and instrumental music in order to summarize laws of Taoist music in Mt. Taishan .

  3. 泰山丰富历史文化蕴育了泰山道教音乐的形成与发展。

    The formation and development of Taoist music in Mt. Taishan is closely related to the rich history and culture of the mountain .