• valley;ravine
  • 山谷(多用于地名):嘉~关(在中国甘肃省)。慕田~(在中国北京市)。

  1. 挂钓崖峪谷似壁;

    Peg-like catch Cliff valley wall ;

  2. 明清以来晋水流域的环境与灾害&以峪水为灾为中心的田野考察与研究

    Environment and Disasters in the Drainage Area of Jin River since Ming and Qing Dynasties-investigation and research focusing on valley flood disaster

  3. 大峪隧道的施工隧道TBM施工管片衬砌三维计算模型TBM在超长隧道施工中的应用研究

    The Application Research of TBM on Long Tunnel

  4. 本文用加速器质谱(AMS)~(14)C测定了河北兴隆发现的一件珍贵的旧石器时代晚期工艺品&纹饰鹿角,以及山西朔县峙峪。

    A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County , Hebei Province , was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) radiocarbon dating .

  5. 中条山前寒武纪涑水杂岩主要由西姚和寨子英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质(TTG)片麻岩、横岭关和北峪钙碱性花岗质岩石组成。

    The Precambrian Sushui Complex in Zhongtiao Mountain is composed principally of Xiyao and Zhaizi TTG gneisses , Henglingguan and Beiyu calc-alkaline granitoids .

  6. EBH-120掘进机、转载机等设备组成的作业线在西峪煤矿的应用

    Application of Tunneling Line Composed by Road-header EBH-120 and Reloading Machines at Xiyu Coal Mine

  7. 涝峪苔草叶片寿命为18个月,绿期长。

    The leaves could grow 18 month with long green period .

  8. 采用大管棚超前支护技术处理青&莱高速公路毫山峪隧道塌方

    Application of Large Pipe-shed Advanced Support in Treatment for Tunnel Collapse

  9. 东桐峪金矿8号脉矿柱的回采

    Pillar recovery of orebody no. 8 at East-Tongyu Gold Mine

  10. 黄河中游河漫滩(禹渡口&桃花峪)种子植物资源

    Study on Seed Plant Resources in the Flood Plain of Mid-Yellow River

  11. 冲洪积扇含水层地下水可开采量数值模拟&以文峪河冲洪积扇为例

    The numerical modeling on exploitable quantity of groundwater in aquifer of alluvial

  12. 钢结构人工假底在峪耳崖金矿的应用

    Application of Steel Artificial False Bottom in Yu (?) rya Gold Mine

  13. 河南文峪金矿主要载金矿物特征及其在找矿中的应用

    Features of main gold-bearing minerals and their application in prospecting

  14. 桐峪含金断裂特征分析

    The characteristics of the gold-bearing faults in the Tongyu District

  15. 潼峪金矿区成矿断裂构造特征

    The characteristics of the metallogenic fractured structures in Tongyu mining area , Shaanxi

  16. 秦峪滑坡的时空格局研究

    Study on temporal and spatial structure of Qinyu landslide

  17. 塔峪出口过公路长管棚施工

    Large pilot pipes crossing highway construction at Tayu exit

  18. 当阳峪绞胎艺术瓷的装饰特色

    The Decorative Characteristics of the Artistic Twisted-Placenta of Dangyangyu

  19. 对西峪煤矿受承压水威胁煤层的探讨

    Probe into the Coal Bed Threatened by Confined Water in Xiyu Coal Mine

  20. 结果表明,西马峪滑坡侵蚀体处于临界&不稳定状态;

    Results show that the Ximayu landslide-body is unstable .

  21. 浅谈沈丹高速公路大峪隧道水泥混凝土路面裂缝的灌浆实验

    Dayu Tunnel Cement Concrete Pavement Crack Grouting Test

  22. 七年,黑峪土司改土归流,西固辖。

    Seven years , black soil to the stream valley toast , Xigu jurisdiction .

  23. 当阳峪窑剔划花瓷器

    Porcelains with Engraved Patterns from the Dangyangyu Kiln

  24. 大直径深孔阶段矿房采矿法在金厂峪金矿的实践

    Practice of large-diameter deep-hole mining by sublevel room work method in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine

  25. 7条峪道18条沟谷均是泥石流隐患沟。

    The hidden trouble valleys of mud-rock flow Included 7 valley-ways and 18 ravines .

  26. 分段采矿法在金厂峪金矿的应用

    Application of sublevel stoping in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine

  27. 落进我梦乡的深峪。

    Has fallen in my vale of dreams .

  28. 陕西潼峪剪切带型金矿类型及特征

    Types and characteristics of shear belt type gold deposit in Tongyu , Shaanxi Province

  29. 综放开采在小峪3~煤层应用的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Mining with Sublevel Caving for No 3 Coal Seam in Xiaoyu mine

  30. 韧性失稳&北京怀柔神堂峪韧性剪切带和透闪石玻璃

    Ductile instability & shentangyu ductile shear zone and the tremolites glass in huairou , Beijing
