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  • 网络forest ecological benefits;ecological benefit of forest
  1. 广东省森林生态效益价值评估

    Evaluation on Ecological Benefit of Forest in Guangdong Province

  2. 森林生态效益应当得到补偿

    Compensation should be Made for Ecological Benefit of Forest

  3. 基于GIS的森林生态效益空间分析研究

    Research on the Forest Ecosystem Based on the Space Analysis of GIS

  4. 本文主要以不同的尺度研究了在CITYgreen模型的支持下利用GIS技术对城市森林生态效益的计算。

    The article measure the eco-benefits of urban forests in different scale based on the GIS technology .

  5. 论BOT融资模式筹集森林生态效益补偿资金

    Study on Forest Ecological Compensation Capital by Way of BOT Financing

  6. 因此本文通过建立专业模型实现了各种生态效益的精确计量并使之与GIS空间分析技术相结合将森林生态效益的数量、分布情况以直观的图形反映出来。

    The paper build specific models to calculate various forest ecosystem performances , and keep the relation with GIS analysis methods .

  7. 浙江省于2004年起全面实施200万HM2重点公益林森林生态效益补偿基金制度,开展公益林森林资源与生态状况综合监测及效益评价已成迫切需求。

    From 2004 , a compensation system has been implemented in Zhejiang province for 2,000,000 ha public welfare forest .

  8. 根据森林生态效益及计量研究的特点,在分析借鉴GIS空间分析技术在其它领域里应用成果的基础上,构建森林生态效益空间分析的理论与技术框架。

    According to specific of the forest ecosystem performance and calculation of it , the paper sets up the forest ecosystem performance space analytical theories and technique frames , after analyzing the application of GIS in other fields .

  9. 在森林生态效益似乎不相关模型的基础上,分析众多生态效益中的相互依存和从属关系,引入内生变量Y1、Y2作为另一个生态方程的自变量,构造联立方程组模型。

    Based on the similar irrelative model of forest ecological benefits , the study analyzed the subordinate relations of numerous ecological benefits , and introduced end genetic variables Y_1 and Y_2 as the independent variables of another ecological equation to construct consociation equation set model .

  10. 我国森林生态效益补偿标准研究进展

    Review on Progress of Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation Standard in China

  11. 我国森林生态效益补偿资金管理的研究

    A Study on Capital Management of Forest Ecological Compensation in China

  12. 森林生态效益外部性的会计理论与方法研究

    Research on Theory and Methodology of Accounting for Forest Eco-efficiency Externalities

  13. 森林生态效益计量评价的理论方法概述

    Summary of Theoretical Method of Forest Ecological Results Evaluation by Variables

  14. 关于建立森林生态效益补偿基金制度的探讨

    Discussion on Setting up Compensative Funds System of Forest Ecological Benefits

  15. 谈森林生态效益补偿资金管理

    Talking about the Management of Compensation Funds of Forest Ecological Benefit

  16. 浅谈森林生态效益补偿及实施步骤

    Several Issues and Implementers Processes of Compensation to Forestry Ecological Benefits

  17. 森林生态效益补偿:现实依据及政策探讨

    Forestry Ecological Benefit Compensation : Realistic Basis and Policy Study

  18. 建立森林生态效益评价标准;

    Establishing the standards of the forest ecological benefit evaluation ;

  19. 森林生态效益补偿制度正是在这一大背景下建立的。

    Forest ecological compensation system is in the context of this set .

  20. 对森林生态效益补偿资金管理问题的探讨

    On the Management of the Compensation Funds for Forest 's Ecological Benefit

  21. 森林生态效益补偿研究的现状及趋势

    Status and trend of studies on forest ecological benefit compensation

  22. 森林生态效益的价值理论问题探讨

    Discussion on the Theoretical Problems of the Value of Forest Ecological Benefits

  23. 青海省实施森林生态效益补偿的思考

    On Compensation for Forest Ecological Benefit Implemented by Qinghai Province

  24. 加快推进和完善我国森林生态效益补偿制度的建设

    Speeding up and Improving the Forest Ecological Effect Compensation System in China

  25. 试论建立我国的森林生态效益补偿制度

    On the Establishment of Compensation System for Forest Ecological Benefits in China

  26. 建立和完善森林生态效益补偿机制的若干思考

    Discussion on Establishment and Improvement of Ecological Forest Compensation System

  27. 完善我国森林生态效益补偿机制的探析

    An analysis of perfect the compensation mechanism of forest eco-efficiency

  28. 新疆森林生态效益补偿制度的建立始于本世纪初。

    Xinjiang forest ecological compensation system was established early this century began .

  29. 试论森林生态效益和经济效益的统一

    Study on the unity of ecological benefits and economic benefits of forest

  30. 试论森林生态效益补偿机制的建立和运作

    Discussion on Foundation and Operation of Forest Eco-benefit Compensation Mechanisms