
  • 网络Forest;forest animal;the animal of the forest
  1. 茫茫黑暗中他听到某种森林动物的尖吼声。

    In the darkness he heard the shrieks of some forest creature .

  2. 鹿、狐狸和松鼠属于森林动物。

    Deer , foxes and squirrels are among the denizens of the forest .

  3. 他个性温和情愿与森林动物为伍。

    He 's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others .

  4. 森林动物在森林生态系统中的作用

    Animals and their roles in forest ecosystem

  5. 民间传说里,一直认为热带大雕既捕食森林动物,也捕食婴儿。

    Folklore has long held that the harpy eagle preys on human babies as well as forest animals .

  6. 食果动物对生境破碎化的适应能力不同,泛性森林动物和广食性动物具有较强的适应性。

    Frugivores have different adaptability to the habitat fragmentation , being stronger for the forest generalists and food generalists .

  7. 在大量调查数据和资料的基础上,运用模糊数学的理论和方法,对哈尔滨北方森林动物因旅游资源进行了评价和分析:采用构造矩阵法确定森林动物园各评价指标的权重系数;

    The tourism resources of Harbin North Forest Zoo were evaluated on the basis of data from massive investigation by the methods in fuzzy theory .

  8. 文章综述了树种特性、林分条件、森林动物、病原体、环境条件、林窗和人为干扰对天然林更新的影响。

    Many factors affect natural forest regeneration , which ( include ) tree characteristics , stand conditions , forest animals , pathogen , environmental conditions , gap disturbance , human disturbance , etc.

  9. 为适应大连旅游的发展,积极开拓旅游市场,招徕客源,大连森林动物有必要从现在起打造特色品牌,树立良好形象。

    To Keep up with the development of Dalian 's tourism industry , carve out tourism markets and drum up tourists , Dalian Forest Zoo should make up its own brand and good social visualization .

  10. "小时候,这里有湖泊、森林和动物。而且经常下雨。"塔巴特说。

    " When I was a child , there were lakes , forests and animals . And it rained a lot , " said Tubbat .

  11. 中国东部山地森林土壤动物多样性

    Diversity of forest soil animals in the eastern mountain regions of China

  12. 日本的森林野生动物保护和管理体系

    The System for Protection and Administration of Forest Wild animals in Japan

  13. 小兴安岭森林土壤动物群落多样性的研究

    Diversity of Soil Animals Community in Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  14. 森林为动物提供了食物和遮蔽处。

    The forests provide food and shelter for animals .

  15. 张家界国家森林公园动物种类和数量的变化

    The Changes of the Species and Quantity of Animals in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

  16. 森林节肢动物多样性的影响因素

    Effect factor of diversity of forestry arthropod

  17. 人工落叶松林土壤动物生物量的研究小兴安岭森林土壤动物群落多样性的研究

    Biomass of soil animals in larch plantation Diversity of Soil Animals Community in Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  18. 森林土壤动物群落多样性明显高于农田土壤动物群落多样性。

    The community diversity of the fauna in the forest soil was obviously higher than that in agricultural soil .

  19. 据信他是个喜好恶作剧和爱开玩笑的森林、动物和自然之神。

    He was believed to be very mischievous and playful as the god of forests , animals , and nature .

  20. 森林土壤动物活动和植物根系死亡后形成大孔隙是森林土壤中普遍存在的现象。对森林水分运动过程有重要的影响。

    Macropore is the common in forest soil and has great impacts on soil water flow . It is main cause by animal activity and the plant roots after death .

  21. 很多啮齿动物尽管能够传播种子,但它们也能毁坏林木,很多森林、动物完全依赖植物而生活,凡是植物的种子或果实供动物食用,生物之间相互作用更加明显。

    Most rodents , though of constructive usefulness in distributing seed , are significantly destructive in eating seed and injuring young plants , Many forest animals are wholly dependent upon plants .

  22. 另外,与接纳地人群合作开展工作也很关键,这是因为,他们认为难民在分享他们的资源(土地、森林、动物)的同时获得更好的支持和护理。

    It was also essential to work with the host population as they perceived the refugees as receiving better support and care , while sharing their resources ( land , wood , animals ) .

  23. 它们主要是些森林食腐动物,多侵害潮湿腐朽的木材。

    They are mainly forest scavengers infesting damp , rotted wood .

  24. 树木为森林里的动物提供种子。

    Trees and bushes proffer their seeds to the forest animals .

  25. 牡丹峰自然保护区森林群落土壤动物多样性研究

    Study on Soil Animals Diversity of Forest Community in Mudanjiang Nature Reserve

  26. 这些森林有很多动物,植被丰富。

    These forests are rich with animal and plant life .

  27. 多给我讲一些森林中跳跃动物的有趣故事。

    Tell me more juicy stores about the jumping animals in the jungle .

  28. 生活在森林地面的动物。

    Animals that live on the forest floor .

  29. 广东森林和野生动物自然保护区的建设及其发展方向

    Establishment of Forest and Fauna Nature Reserve in Guangdong and Their Trend of Development

  30. 这个森林里野生动物很多。

    The forest aBounds in wild animals .