
  1. 西汉中期装饰用玉的数量和种类骤然减少,不但复杂的组玉佩消失,而且玉具剑饰数量也比早期少得多。

    By the medium phase of Western-Han dynasty , the kinds and quantity of the ornamented jade articles decreased abruptly , including the complex jade ornamented suits and the swords ornaments .

  2. 然后,有漂亮图形的结被用来装饰扇子和玉坠。

    Then knots with fancy designs were used to decorate fans and jade pendants .

  3. 商朝的工匠们需要掌握镶嵌、打磨和华美装饰他们的玉制品、石器和象牙制品的技能。

    Shang craftsmen acquired the skill of inlaying and carving and had their jade wares , stone wares and ivory wares brilliantly decorated .