
  1. 商代玉器的审美特征

    Aesthetic features of jadeware in the Shang Dynasty

  2. 商代玉器,尤其是晚商玉器是我国古代玉器发展史上的第二个高峰期,很多玉器至今都是玉器中的精品。

    The Shang dynasty jade articles , especially the jade articles in the late-shang are the second peak in the jade history , a lot of which are delicate so far .

  3. 商代的玉器在继承红山文化和良渚文化玉器的基础上,与青铜器艺术互为借鉴,互为影响。

    Inheriting the Hongshan Culture and the Liangzhu Culture jade carving , the jade carving in the Shang dynasty boasts its own features .