
  1. 压力测试关注资产组合收益的厚尾特征分布,能度量在极端情况下资产组合损失,弥补了传统风险管理工具VaR的缺点,因而成为商业银行风险管理的重要工具。

    Emphasizing on the fat tail distribution of the asset portfolio , stress test can evaluate the loss of the asset portfolio in the extreme circumstances which makes up the disadvantage of VaR , the traditional risk management tool .

  2. 国有商业银行风险管理现状及对策研究

    On the Risk Administration Situation and Strategies of State-owned Commerce Bank

  3. 商业银行风险管理决策本身是个多目标决策过程。

    Risk management of commercial bank is a multicriteria decision-making process .

  4. 国有商业银行风险的表现形式和化解途径

    Risks of State owned Commercial Banks and Ways to Eliminate Risks

  5. 论我国现行商业银行风险管理法律制度的不足及完善

    On China present commercial bank risk management law system 's shortage and Perfection

  6. 全方位强化商业银行风险管理能力

    All-directions to Enhance the Commercial Bank Risk Management Ability

  7. 完善国有商业银行风险管理的构想

    Consideration of Perfecting Risk Management of State-run Commercial Banks

  8. 国有商业银行风险防范与会计问题研究

    Probe on Accounting Problems and Risk Prevention of State - run Commercial Banks

  9. 商业银行风险管理理论的历史沿革

    The Development History of the Commercial Banking Risk Management

  10. 国外商业银行风险管理的招术

    Methods of Risk Management in Foreign Commercial Banks

  11. 银行业全面开放后对我国商业银行风险管理的影响

    Impacts on Risk Management of Commercial Banks after the Opening of Domestic Banking Sector

  12. 其次,运用委托代理理论从产权代理关系、上下级代理关系、银企代理关系三个层面对国有商业银行风险成因进行了深入分析。

    Then follows the factor analysis from three levels based on entrusted agency theory .

  13. 商业银行风险管理的核心问题是商业银行资本和风险精确地匹配。

    The core issue of bank risk-management is the matching of capital and risk .

  14. 商业银行风险度量方法的发展及其对我国的启示

    The Development of the Commercial Bank 's Risk Measurement and Its Implications to China

  15. 对贷款违约概率的测算是商业银行风险管理的一项重要内容。

    To measure the loan default risk is very important in risk management for commercial banks .

  16. 经济资本配置是现代商业银行风险管理最为核心的内容。

    The allocation of the Economic capital is the core of the modern commercial bank risk management .

  17. 论人民币汇率制度改革对我国商业银行风险管理的影响

    The Impact of the Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System on Risk Management of China Commercial Bank

  18. 资本标准对商业银行风险行为的影响研究更应该具有一定的理论意义和实际意义。

    Then how the capital standard affect banks ' risk-taking behavior should be of more theoretical and practical significance .

  19. 客户信用分析是商业银行风险管理的基础,而风险管理是商业银行取得经营成功的关键。

    Risk management is the basis of customer credit analysis , the key to successful operations of commercial banks .

  20. 阐述商业银行风险的特征及来源。

    The main contents as follows : 1 ~ Expound the feature and the origin of commercial bank risks ;

  21. 因此,商业银行风险管理也是财务管理的一部分。

    In fact , commercial bank management is financial management and commercial bank risk management is a part of financial management .

  22. 本文前两章从商业银行风险管理基本理论和《巴塞尔资本协议》的要求入手,围绕我国商业银行的操作风险管理进行分析,创造性地提出我国商业银行业操作风险的定义和特征。

    In this article , the basic theory of the banking risk and the requirements of the Basel Capital Accord are analyzed firstly .

  23. 如何有效地防范和化解商业银行风险成为我国商业银行改革急需解决的问题。

    How to prevent and remove the risks effectively in the bank has been a problem for Commercial Bank of China to resolve immediately .

  24. 商业银行风险管理理论是商业银行业务发展和人们对金融风险认识不断加深的产物。

    Theories of risk management in commercial banking are outcomes of the development of banking operations and the continuous deepening understanding of financial risk .

  25. 第三,加强外部监管,实施综合治理,防范和化解我国商业银行风险。

    Thirdly , external management and comprehensive administration should be adopted and enforced so as to avoid and dissolve the risk of Chinese commercial banks .

  26. 伴随金融自由化的深化与金融创新的迅猛发展,商业银行风险也呈现出多样化、复杂化和全球化的发展趋势。

    With the rapid development of financial liberalization and financial innovation , commercial bank risk is showing a trend of diversification , complication and globalization .

  27. 第二章为商业银行风险管理的现状分析。通过对我国国有商业银行和股份制商业银行的流动性状况进行分析,得出我国商业银行流动性风险管理中现存的问题。

    The second chapter is the analysis of the current situation of risk management of commercial bank and problem of risk management in our country commercial bank .

  28. 我国现有的研究主要是单独针对商业银行风险管理或商业银行价值创造的其中一个方面,而对于前者对后者影响的实证研究很少。

    The existing research results in risk management or value creation , and the empirical analysis of the influence of the former on the latter is rare .

  29. 本文虽然提出了我国商业银行风险防范的较为系统的对策和思路,但是否合理,有效,有待实践印证。

    The study has put forward the analytic frame of the countermeasure to commercial bank risk , where it is correct needs to be inspected in practice . 3 .

  30. 商业银行风险是指银行在经营活动的过程中所而临的各种不确定性以及由此而产生的不利后果。

    The risk of commercial banks is the uncertainties that banks will face to in the process of the business activities and the resulting adverse consequences the uncertainties lead to .