
  • 网络Bank credit funds;bank credit capital;banker credit fund
  1. 信贷担保是确保银行信贷资金安全的有效保障措施之一,它在加速资金循环融通、促进企业和银行良性互动、推动中小企业发展等方面都有着积极的意义。

    Among these , the credit guarantee is a safeguard measure that could ensure the bank credit capital . It has significance in speeding up the capital circulation , promoting the benign interaction between enterprises and bank encouraging the development of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  2. 作为货币政策“信用观”之一的银行信贷渠道理论强调银行信贷资金的可贷性。

    The theory of bank credit channel , as one credit of monetary policy , stresses the lcanability of bank credit capital .

  3. 关于银行信贷资金入市的思考

    Inflow to the stock market of credit capital of the banks

  4. 对国有商业银行信贷资金效率问题的思考

    On efficiency of credit funds of state - owned Commercial Banks

  5. 中国国有商业银行信贷资金地区配置状况研究

    Research on the Regional Loan Allocation of State-owned Commercial Banks in China

  6. 如何看待银行信贷资金的几个问题

    How to Look upon a Number of Problems about Credit Funds from Banks

  7. 浅谈我国银行信贷资金的风险防范

    Bank Credit Funds Risk Preventation in Our Country

  8. 我国银行信贷资金对国民经济贡献率的回归分析

    Regression analysis of the contribution of credit funds of banks to the national economy

  9. 商业银行信贷资金流动性过剩问题及对策研究

    Research on Problem and Policy to Excess Liquidity of Credit Funds in Commercial Bank

  10. 信息不对称状态下商业银行信贷资金安全性控制研究

    Studying about the Security of Credit Financing in Commercial Bank on the State of Informational Asymmetry

  11. 本文通过一个模型探讨了银行信贷资金在危机性价格泡沫形成中的作用机制。

    The paper studies the effect of bank credit funds on the forming of price bubble .

  12. 应重视银行信贷资金违规进入股市对股市波动的影响

    Concerning the Illegal Entry of Bank Credit Funds into Stock Market and the Affection on its Fluctuation

  13. 文中对银行信贷资金清算业务办公自动化的系统环境、系统结构和实现功能等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the credit funds of clear accounts information system environment , system structure and system function .

  14. 因此,企业自身的综合实力将对银行信贷资金的安全性产生很大的影响。

    Therefore , the enterprise will have a great impact on security of the bank credit funds by its comprehensive strength .

  15. 银行信贷资金在公路建设中占有较高比重,因而面临较大的还贷风险。

    The funds of bank credit loan account for high proportion in road construction , therefore facing larger risk of returning loan .

  16. 危机性泡沫的形成有许多原因,在一个制度存在缺陷的金融体系下,银行信贷资金介入股市是其中一个重要因素。

    In a financial system with institutional defects , one of the most reasons is that bank 's credit fund flow into the stock market .

  17. 我国商业银行信贷资金供求目前存在严重的结构性矛盾,并以信贷集中的方式体现出来。

    There is a severe contradiction in structure about the credit supply demand of commercial banks in China , which is embodied through credit concentration style .

  18. 假说一认为,地方政府干预推动银行信贷资金向本区域集聚,加速了货币创造过程从而导致区域通货膨胀水平的提高。

    Hypothesis one believes that local government intervention clustering bank credit funds to the region accelerates the process of money creation and rise regional inflation levels .

  19. 在信贷市场中,商业银行信贷资金运动过程主要涉及商业银行与企业两个主体。

    In the credit market , the credit funds movement procedure of the commercial bank mainly involves two main bodies , the bank and the enterprise .

  20. 商业银行信贷资金运动过程主要涉及商业银行与企业两个主体。企业是资金的使用者,对借入资金实际投资项目有较充分的信息从而处于信息优势地位。

    The movement of credit funds mainly involves commercial banks and enterprises , the enterprises are users of funds , and have sufficient information about the funds ' actual use .

  21. 目前,中国电影人已经开始把目光投向更加稳定和有着良好风险控制的银行信贷资金。

    At present , people in Chinese movie industry has already begun to look to the bank funds which are much more stable and have a good credit risk control system .

  22. 得到大部分银行信贷资金的不是小型私有企业,而是大型国有企业集团,其中许多并不是真的需要现金。

    Much of the banks ' money has been lent not to small private enterprises , but to big state conglomerates , many of which do not really need the cash .

  23. 从银行信贷资金风险极小化的角度出发,通过引入激励机制设计的理论和方法,建立了银行信贷风险决策模型。

    Through introducing the theory and the methods of incentive mechanism design from the point of view of the minimum of the funds risk a credit-risk decision model for banks is established .

  24. 但是随着金融市场的不断发展,尤其是银行信贷资金在资本市场与货币市场之间的自由流动,在监管不力的情况下,导致了较大的金融风险。

    With the continuous process of the financial market , especially the free flow of credit loans of banks between capital market and monetary market , inadequate inspection may cause financial risks .

  25. 信用风险控制的关键环节是信用评价,有效的信用评价体系既可以保证银行信贷资金的安全,也可以有效地保证信贷业务持续高效的开展。

    For commercial bank , an effective credit evaluating system cannot just guarantee the safety of money , but also can ensure the logistics service can be continuously providing in an effective way .

  26. 认为在社会信用体系还不完善的情况下,银行信贷资金介入股市对价格泡沫的形成具有极大的推动作用,如果银行本身也存在体制上的缺陷,问题会更严重。

    It believes that in an imperfect social credit system , bank 's credit fund has significant effect on making price bubble , and if banks themselves have institutional defects the problem is more serious .

  27. 转轨时期,商业银行信贷资金流动性操作所滋生出的信贷资金流动性负外部效应及流动性悖论等现实问题,阻碍着货币供应的调控效应。

    During the transformation , some realistic problems such as liquidity negative external effect and liquidity paradox resulted from the operation of credit loan fund liquidity in commercial banks have hindered adjusting effect of money supply .

  28. 但银行信贷资金入市加大了我国的金融风险和股票市场的泡沫,在一定程度上损害了中小投资者利益,造成了国有资产流失。

    Meanwhile , as we see , it aggravates China 's financial risks and bubbles in stock market , thus doing harm to medium and small investors in some degree and making drain on national assets possible .

  29. 农业资金投入有多种渠道,包括国家财政资金、银行信贷资金、市场筹措资金、农业生产经营组织和农户自身投资等,其中农业生产经营主体的自身投资应成为农业投入的主渠道。

    Agricultural investment comprises many channels as national fiscal capital , bank loans , market raising capital , self-investment by agricultural production organization and farmers , etc and farmers ' own investment should become the main channel .

  30. 本文构建的基于物流金融的中小企业信用评价体系,可以促进物流金融业务更加有效的开展,增强商业银行信贷资金的可靠性和安全性,同时也可以提高中小企业的信用水平。

    The new credit evaluating system building in the article is able to accelerate the development of logistics financial service , enhance security of money of commercial bank , and also helpful to rise the credit level of SMEs .