
  • 网络interbank market;Inter-bank market
  1. 银行同业市场中的所有对手都有可能受到波及。

    In the interbank market , every counterparty was potentially vulnerable .

  2. 可转让存款证与银行同业市场相辅相成,中转长期资金。

    Negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs complement the interbank market by channelling longer term funds .

  3. 银行同业市场出价利率

    Inter-bank market bid rate

  4. 他指出,昨日在纽约市场中,银行同业市场美元远期拆借成本大幅上涨。

    He pointed out that the future cost of raising dollars in the interbank market rose sharply yesterday in New York .

  5. 在目前的息率环境及银行同业市场流动资金充裕的情况下,银行新造住宅按揭贷款的盈利似乎仍算不错。

    Looking at the profitability of new residential mortgage loans , the banks still seem to be doing all right in the prevailing interest rate environment with ample interbank liquidity .

  6. 尽管美国的政策利率保持稳定,但由于银行同业市场流动资金充裕,银行调低最优惠贷款利率及储蓄存款利率。

    Because of ample liquidity in the interbank market , banks had cut their best lending rates and savings deposit rates despite a stable policy interest rate in the us .

  7. 最好的消息是,银行同业拆借市场正在重启。

    Best of all , the interbank lending market is creaking open .

  8. 当前券商参与银行间同业市场风险分析

    Risk analysis of trade market of stockholders between banks

  9. 这些资金先存入内地的金融机构,然后通过银行同业拆借市场转返香港。

    These funds are placed with financial institutions in the Mainland and are subsequently channelled back to Hong Kong through the inter-bank market .

  10. 对传染风险的估计也存在低估的可能,同时银行同业拆借市场的传染风险正在从银行同业之间向银行与其他金融机构尤其是证券公司之间扩散。

    There also are sources of underestimation of contagion risk and contagion risk is now spreading to other financial institutions , especially security companies .

  11. 有利于欧元区内和区外流动性配置以及公司融资过程顺利进行的泛欧银行同业拆借市场和公司债券市场已经出现。

    Pan-European inter-bank money markets and corporate bond markets that facilitate distribution of liquidity inside and outside euro area and corporate financing process have emerged .

  12. 二氧化钛光触媒已发展了25年,它具有光催化的特性,是一非常出色的环境清净的光触媒。本港的银行同业拆息市场发展完善。

    The titania photocatalysts have been research quartern century . It has characteristic of photocatalysis which is excellent performance of environmetal cleanup . The interbank money market is well established .

  13. ARMA-GARCH模型及VaR方法在我国银行间同业拆借市场中的应用研究

    ARMA-GARCH Models and the Application of VaR Method to Chinese Inter-bank Borrowing Interest Rate

  14. 利用中国银行间同业拆借市场利率数据,估计出的CKLS模型参数均为显著,这表明中国的利率市场存在明显的均值回复和水平效应。

    The estimated parameters show that in the studied market , the interest rates show great mean-reversion and level effect .

  15. 与此同时,代表了银行间同业拆借市场资金成本的同业拆借利率CHIBOR与证券市场价格波动强烈的相关性逐渐凸现。

    Meanwhile , the correlativity between China interbank offered rates ( CHIBOR ), which represents the cost of interbank offered capital , and the securities price fluctuation is emerging .

  16. 第三,通过提供暂时担保,激活银行间同业拆借市场。

    Third , revive the inter-bank market with temporary guarantees .

  17. 我国银行间同业拆借市场基准利率的选择

    Selection of the Benchmark of Chinese Inter-Bank Offered Rate

  18. 监督管理银行间同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场;

    Regulate and supervise the inter-bank lending market and the inter-bank bond market ;

  19. 中国银行间同业拆借市场利率结构转换研究

    An Analysis on Regime-Switching of Interest Rate in the Inter-Bank Market of China

  20. 采用脉冲响应分析和方差分解方法,分析了银行间同业拆借市场各交易品种利率之间相互影响的大小。

    Using impulse response analysis and variance decomposition method , the dissertation analyzes interaction between interbank rates .

  21. 一方面,一个运行良好的银行间同业拆借市场对于高效率的银行体系是不可或缺的。

    On the one hand , a well functioning interbank market is essential for efficient financial intermediation .

  22. 本文分别就银行间同业拆借市场、回购协议市场与票据市场围绕上述方面展开分析。

    The article launches analysis around above-mentioned respects on Call Market , Repurchase Agreements Market , Note Market separately .

  23. 实证结果表明,在银行间同业拆借市场上,拆借头寸受利好的消息影响较大。

    The empirical result indicates that the negative information has a greater effect on the fund in the inter-bank market .

  24. 银行间同业拆借市场作为金融机构之间融通资金的市场,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    As a money market in which short-term funds transferred between financial institutions , interbank market is an important part of money market .

  25. 另外,尽管股票抛售愈演愈烈,但银行间同业拆借市场中严峻的流动性问题似乎已有所缓解。

    Further , the acute liquidity problems in the inter-bank lending market seem to have been alleviated , even as the sell-off of stocks has gathered pace .

  26. 自1999年证券公司及基金管理公司获得银行间同业拆借市场准入权后,同业拆借资金就构成证券市场重要的资金来源。

    Since securities corporations ' access of China interbank offered market in 1999 , China interbank offered capital has become an important capital source of securities market .

  27. 到目前为止,银行间同业拆借市场、银行间债券市场在内的货币市场以及外汇市场资金价格,已走上了市场化的道路;

    Up to the present time , market of short-term loans between banks , market of bounds between banks including the monetary market and the foreign exchange market , have being developing well .

  28. 香港金融管理局已向银行表明会确保银行同业市场有足够的流动资金及结算交收系统会运作正常。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had assured banks of adequate liquidity provision in the interbank market and the smooth functioning of the clearing and settlement systems .

  29. 从1996年6月中国人民银行放开银行间同业拆借市场利率开始,我国已经对若干金融领域放开了利率管制,金融机构拥有了一定的贷款利率浮动权限。

    Since the beginning of the inter-bank borrowing ( lending ) by the People 's Bank of China in June 1996 , our state has deregulated the interest rates in various financial spheres , and the financial institutions has own certain power in the floating of the loan rates .

  30. 面对如此严峻的形势,宏观管理部门依据变化了的经济环境,采取了以下相应的积极措施:1998年10月中国人民银行允许保险公司进入全国银行同业拆借市场,从事债券买卖业务;

    Confronting the tough environment , the supervisor takes the following positive measures according to the changing economic conditions : the central bank allows insurance companies to enter the inter-bank borrowing market in the October of 1998 ;