
  1. 首次领导这一谈判的单尚华正承受巨大压力。如果不能实现他自去年12月以来承诺的降幅,他将丢面子,北京梅塔科咨询公司(BeijingMetalConsulting)的资深分析师许中波说。

    Mr Shan , who is leading the negotiations for the first time , is under heavy pressure and risks losing face if he cannot deliver the price cut he has promised since December , says Xu Zhongbo , a veteran steel analyst at Beijing Metal Consulting .

  2. 单尚华的风险是丢面子,但我们在这里所谈的,只不过是丢了5%到10%的面子,一位钢厂的高管说。

    Mr Shan risks losing face but we are only talking about a 5-10 per cent loss of face , says a mill executive .

  3. 单尚华表示,在2009年的价格谈判前,中国钢铁厂已开始接洽铁矿石供应商,他们将向巴西、澳大利亚和印度的铁矿石公司寻求统一的价格,并寻求统一现货价格和合同价格。

    Mr Shan said Chinese mills had already begun contacting iron ore suppliers ahead of the 2009 price negotiations , adding that they would seek a unified price from Brazilian , Australian and Indian iron ore companies and would seek to unify spot and contract prices .