
  • 网络specific consumption;consumption rate
  1. 介绍PVC膜在正常贴塑生产的过程中,在受各种客观因素影响的条件下,所消耗PVC膜的单位消耗量,较详细地叙述了该消耗量的来源和计算方法。

    To introduce unit consume of PVC film in course of normal laminating and in the condition of variety impersonality factor affected , its origin and count method of the wastage were in detail depicted .

  2. 但是国内生产总值单位能源消耗量还是在降低,而且这个下降速度低于政府准备在5年内减少20%消耗量的目标。

    But the pace of the fall in energy required to generate each unit of gross domestic product remains below that needed to meet the government 's target of A20 per cent cut over five years .

  3. 本文拟议中的若干航线的客船,其单位燃料消耗量(吨/千人公里)均可望降低15%以上。

    It is expected that fuel consumption ratio ( ton / thousand people kilometer ) of the passenger ships recommended in this paper for several lines will be over 15 % lower than that of the existing vessels .

  4. 单位推力燃料消耗量他们一周内耗尽了资金。

    Thrust specific fuel consumption They exhausted the funds in a week .

  5. 工料测量处〔建筑署〕单位推力燃料消耗量

    Quantity Surveying Branch [ Architectural Services Department ] thrust specific fuel consumption

  6. 推理规则的信息熵描述根据时机、任务、目标性质、单位及弹药消耗量等确定了6项推理规则;

    Information Entropy Measures for Rules Six reasoning rules are described based on the analysis of the opportunity , mission , task feature , unit and ammunition wastage .

  7. 针对卸油过程中单位油品蒸汽消耗量大的问题,制定出有效的解决措施,降低卸油蒸汽消耗量。

    In the aim of the problem of high steam consumption per unit oil product under unloading crude from the railway tanker , available measures were made to decrease it .

  8. 提出了单位膜面积高锰酸钾消耗量的概念,并给出了计算结果,进而拟合了高锰酸钾溶液清洗的动力学方程。

    To gage the using quantum of KMnO_4 , the concept of consumable quantum of unit membrane area is put forward , and the result is 0.1472mol / m ~ 2 . The cleaning dynamical equation is fitted .

  9. 在化工行业中,我国单位产值的能源消耗量比发达国家要高很多,其主要原因就在于分离过程的能耗远高于发达国家。

    In the chemical industry , the energy consumption per unit of output in our country is much higher than in developed countries , the main reason is that the energy consumption of the separation process is far higher than the developed countries .